So as we all know it was what I like to call thankful day on thursday. so here are some things I have been thankful for the past week or so
1. NO SCHOOL FOR A WEEK! who does not like time that they dont have to spend hunched over a desk with a cramp in your neck? Becuase I certainly hve enjoyed it.
2.I HAVE BEEN AT MY SISTER'S FOR A WEEK! A break from my lovely cinderblock apartment that is so white it scars my eys? YIPEE! not to mention family time is always nice
3. NO BUNKBED FOR THE PAST WEEK! Call me crazy, but not having to climb a ladder to get into bed is a rare delicacy that has been awesome. Not to mention i have not ended up panting every time i get into bed. OH CRAP! that means I am out of ladder shape now. NO BUENO
4. FREQUENT VISITS TO WALL-MART! Like you don't even know. I have been FOUR TIMES in the last week! i had only been twice in the past three months before i came here! THAT IS WHAT I CALL WALL-MART SPOILED! But i like it that way :)
5. CAR RIDES! I rarely get to ride in a car anymore and I have ridden in one a bunch the past week! thats what I call a rest for my feeties!
6. HARRY POTTER! just harry potter in general. the character (NOT the actor) is one beautiful man. So I am just thankful for the books the movies and the fact I saw it in IMAX on monday! HE WAS GIANT!
7. CHILL TIME I just enjoy the time to sit on my rump nd do nothing. It kind of calms me down. and thats what i have done allllllll week! especially on tuseday when I did not leave the apartment all day and just read and watched movie for 24 hours. it was AWESOME!
8. ALONE TIME! every body is a closet loner. atleast I AM! i enjoyed time that i did not have to worry about other people but just got to be by myself like my loner self likes. BAM BET YOU WERE NOT EXPECTING THAT!
9. MY FAMILY! I love my family. they rock and I do not know who I would be without them. See I can be mushy too :)
10. UNEXPECTED VISITS TO FRIENDS! I saw calvin on friday. it was awesome as we creepily stood in the same place of a store for an hour and talked. It would have been even better if we wore trench coats so we would look like creepers too ;) not really but it sounds fun
11. STORE VISITS! I hve been to more stores in the past week than i have been in months! it was awesome yet boring at the same time ;)
12 MY SISTER! I love all my siblings of course but i am thankful that my sister has willingly let me into her apartment for the past week. especially since her husdband seems to think i throw massive parties everytime they leave me alone. except i know he's kidding! I think...
13MY CHURCH becuase i would not be ME without it. prolly some weirdo party girl with a bunch of peircings. which sounds really weird.
14 MY FRIENDS becuase without them I would have gone nutso the past few months especially my room mates. and who wants crazy chicks wandering around BYUI? not most people i hope...except maybe the really desperate dudes i suppose...
KAY THAT'S IT! for now :)
this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
You know you are a college student when...
So my room mates and I were watching videos of all the things we have done so far this semester and it makes me think of the "crazy" things that college kids do. here are a few.
It was about our third week here and it was a Saturday night. well we were bored and the two fun girls of our apartment grabbed the back cracker yoga stick and started whacking a water bottle across the living room! so if you ever want to entertain yourself..get two bored teen age girls, a yoga stick and a water bottle that soon get exchanged for a ball. Because we were whacking it across the room..running in circles and cackling like witches! (okay the cackling was me)
Okay that was tonight but still..FUN! I mean come on who doesn't want to revisit their childhood with crayola paint and giant coloring book pages? Okay I didn't. I took pictures and shook my head at how crazy they are. But hey who cares if we get paint all over ourselves, friends and table? Apparently me because I was quite content eating my grilled cheese sandwich and taking pictures of them.
Who doesn't love random dance parties? I mean besides the girls who live underneath us and probably hate our guts. Especially since I jump down from my bed every morning because I am too dang lazy to climb down ;) But besides those girls..who doesn't really? We dance on chairs, in our living room, on top of our beds you name it. That's because we are cool kids who like to randomly break out into dance.
Okay that was not me. That was a guy who I know that while we were all piled into the back of another dudes truck freezing our butts off, he wanted to know if he could keep up with the truck. I guess the better title for this one is pile into the back of different dude's trucks so we don't have to walk. But jumping out of moving trucks sound so much more...dare devilish? I don't really know.
We mainly just did that at the beginning of the semester I SWEAR! Although I must admit you learn interesting things about people by doing that. Plus since we don't have a T.V. it often times is our dinner entertainment to see what crazy things the socialites across the complex are doing. Haha we are such weirdos.
That actually happened only once. We were hungry and they were waiting for a guy to text them back. So we made brownies with chocolate chips and frosting. oooooh man was that TASTY! I LOVE BROWINES! And now I am done using the caps lock button.
for the record I had no part in that. At first. My neighbors saw him at the bowling alley and decided he was "the man for me". So I was sitting at home doing my math and minding my own not so happy business when they came BURSTING trough our door screaming my name going " WE FOUND YOU A MAN!" if you ask me, the way they screamed it, it sounded more like they found me a cute outfit than a PERSON! haha i didn't know people were things you could GET for a person. apparently they are at BYU IDO. Too bad it didn't work out with the dude. Still a funny story in my rather biased opinion.
Well that's all I can think of. Sorry that my life has not been more eventful.
It was about our third week here and it was a Saturday night. well we were bored and the two fun girls of our apartment grabbed the back cracker yoga stick and started whacking a water bottle across the living room! so if you ever want to entertain yourself..get two bored teen age girls, a yoga stick and a water bottle that soon get exchanged for a ball. Because we were whacking it across the room..running in circles and cackling like witches! (okay the cackling was me)
Okay that was tonight but still..FUN! I mean come on who doesn't want to revisit their childhood with crayola paint and giant coloring book pages? Okay I didn't. I took pictures and shook my head at how crazy they are. But hey who cares if we get paint all over ourselves, friends and table? Apparently me because I was quite content eating my grilled cheese sandwich and taking pictures of them.
Who doesn't love random dance parties? I mean besides the girls who live underneath us and probably hate our guts. Especially since I jump down from my bed every morning because I am too dang lazy to climb down ;) But besides those girls..who doesn't really? We dance on chairs, in our living room, on top of our beds you name it. That's because we are cool kids who like to randomly break out into dance.
Okay that was not me. That was a guy who I know that while we were all piled into the back of another dudes truck freezing our butts off, he wanted to know if he could keep up with the truck. I guess the better title for this one is pile into the back of different dude's trucks so we don't have to walk. But jumping out of moving trucks sound so much more...dare devilish? I don't really know.
We mainly just did that at the beginning of the semester I SWEAR! Although I must admit you learn interesting things about people by doing that. Plus since we don't have a T.V. it often times is our dinner entertainment to see what crazy things the socialites across the complex are doing. Haha we are such weirdos.
That actually happened only once. We were hungry and they were waiting for a guy to text them back. So we made brownies with chocolate chips and frosting. oooooh man was that TASTY! I LOVE BROWINES! And now I am done using the caps lock button.
for the record I had no part in that. At first. My neighbors saw him at the bowling alley and decided he was "the man for me". So I was sitting at home doing my math and minding my own not so happy business when they came BURSTING trough our door screaming my name going " WE FOUND YOU A MAN!" if you ask me, the way they screamed it, it sounded more like they found me a cute outfit than a PERSON! haha i didn't know people were things you could GET for a person. apparently they are at BYU IDO. Too bad it didn't work out with the dude. Still a funny story in my rather biased opinion.
Well that's all I can think of. Sorry that my life has not been more eventful.
Monday, November 15, 2010
So, I'm Robyn as most of you either
A:already knew or
B:figured out becuase the title kind of speak for itself ;).
To start off, I really don't know what I am doing, I just always think "I wonder what people would say if they knew this happened to me?" So TAHDAH! The title of the blog come from well...almost everyone I know at some point always goes "oh Robyn.."to my face becuase I said something funny? I guess so, I don't try to be funny but I guess I tend to make people laugh from my unique observations/opinions and the fact I am rather blunt. No promises though.
I go to school at BYU Idaho, in the land of the good jolly mormons as I like to call it. It's been a bit of an eye opener to how...interesting some people can be here. Also how I always thought that yes I may be naive, but I figured that when I came here i would be just as naive as the rest. Guess what folks? I WAS WRONG! Beep the red buzzer at me. Welcome to the humilitation of my life, a mormon kid who is from CALIFORNIA that still is as sheltered as someone who has been living under a rock for the past 18 years. Oh well i suppose. I don't really know what else to say. It's mormon landia over here with people being pressured to date, get married and pop out babies faster than you can say quidditch! I swear walking home from math today I saw a chick walking a stroller who could BARELY pass for 20. Welcome to BYU IDo I guess. Haha...not. Now that my late night ranting is done. I believe this pretty much sums me up. The mormon girl from California who is shocked at all the babies being popped out around here. wow..that makes me sound shallow. Well now that I am done digging my self into an obvious hole,
A:already knew or
B:figured out becuase the title kind of speak for itself ;).
To start off, I really don't know what I am doing, I just always think "I wonder what people would say if they knew this happened to me?" So TAHDAH! The title of the blog come from well...almost everyone I know at some point always goes "oh Robyn.."to my face becuase I said something funny? I guess so, I don't try to be funny but I guess I tend to make people laugh from my unique observations/opinions and the fact I am rather blunt. No promises though.
I go to school at BYU Idaho, in the land of the good jolly mormons as I like to call it. It's been a bit of an eye opener to how...interesting some people can be here. Also how I always thought that yes I may be naive, but I figured that when I came here i would be just as naive as the rest. Guess what folks? I WAS WRONG! Beep the red buzzer at me. Welcome to the humilitation of my life, a mormon kid who is from CALIFORNIA that still is as sheltered as someone who has been living under a rock for the past 18 years. Oh well i suppose. I don't really know what else to say. It's mormon landia over here with people being pressured to date, get married and pop out babies faster than you can say quidditch! I swear walking home from math today I saw a chick walking a stroller who could BARELY pass for 20. Welcome to BYU IDo I guess. Haha...not. Now that my late night ranting is done. I believe this pretty much sums me up. The mormon girl from California who is shocked at all the babies being popped out around here. wow..that makes me sound shallow. Well now that I am done digging my self into an obvious hole,
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