this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

dude it's almost the end of the year!

     So it is December 29th and it makes me wonder where the HECK the year has gone!  It seems like just yesterday..okay maybe a month ago that it was January and I was participating in the theatre IV sleepover at my high school.  And now it's December!  Dear father time I do not appreciate you robbing me of time.  Except you really did not steal from me like those fantasy books I really enjoy where the hero or heroine wake up in a field and five years have gone by magically and they have to figure out what the HECK is up.  This is not that kind of occasion.  It just feels like I have been robbed.  I suddenly want to yell at the sources I can not see and scream "HEY WHERE DID THE TIME GO!?"  That is the way I have felt this past week.
       Well enough of the more serious thoughts rattling inside my (hopefully not) empty head but here are my thoughts of the past year.  And it seems I like to think in lists so here is Robyn's list for what has happened in 2010.  I just KNOW you are shaking with excitement to read it.  NOT.  I write these more just becuase I am too lazy to write in my journal and this is a way to write down my thoughts. 
                                                           2010 according to Robyn:

  • we made it to 2010 and the world DID NOT end! take that crazy people who think they can figure out when God plan's the second coming!
  • I had the oppurtunity to sleep in a theatre thats exciting let me tell you.  except it kind of was :)
  • SNOW IN THE VALLEY! quick lets all make a big deal like we have never seen snow before! wait that was already done enough for me by everyone else.  News flash people:most of it melted by noon
  • I had a lot of lasts at my high school that winter/spring which was rather sad.  I may not be all that fond of my hisgh school but i made good memories there thats for sure.
  • SENIOR BALL! newsflsh: don't listen to the cliche' movies and books that believe its the best night of your life.  It was fun but it is just a dance.  a fun dance i got to wear a shiny big dress to)which is always a plus in my book) but just a dance and all those cliche' movies want me to puke.  also the ones about high school and the way high school is in general.  its not that feral and my group of friends had no specific label THANK YOU
  • GRADUATION!  I did enjoy that, although from what i have heard of my friends at BYUI i wish they did not have such a strict dress code for under the grad gown.  I have a friend who wore a KILT and no shirt under his grad gown.  pretty LEGIT if you ask me.
  • I TURNED LEGAL! it was rather exciting and my friend jennifer kept trying to convince me to find a random stranger while we were in disney land and marry him just becuase I could.  that obviously did not happen :D
  • I GOT A JOB!  sadly not as exciting as one would think.  I filed papers in a cubicle in a hot office.  oh well
  • Robyn becomes unaware of the world and whats going on becuase she has no tv and is too lazy to goggle news.  WWIII could have been going on and I would have never known
  • I learned that walking to church in a skirt while it is 20 degrees outside is no fun and guys should watch out becuase I wanted to kick anyone who was wearing pants
  • HARRY POTTER MOVIE! i love harry potter.  and I do not just mean the book/movie series.  i love the harry CHARACTER!  bring that man to life and baptize and WHALA!  robyn's dream guy.  he can even pull off glasses! ITS A WIN! (and i do not mean daniel radcliff.  GROSS)
  • CHRISTMAS AT COLLEGE!  was a new experience.  I privately wanted to knick peoples christmas cds becuse i was sick of the three I owned.  but that is sadly not legal. DANG
  • zac efron broke up with v. hudgens.  YAY now i can creepily stare at posters of a SINGLE guy!  there's one of him on the ceiling right above my bed :) and yes i wrot e that to creep you out.  and yes it is true.
  • I stayed up a whole night and the next day i swear i was seeing things.  and forgot to unload the dishwasher before i left the apartment for:FOREVER.  sorry roomates hope the dishes are still clean when you come home in a week :)
  • I SEE MY BROTHER!  i finally have someone to crack weird jokes about ninja elaphants with! YAHOOOOOO!
  • and we are to now.  i know my year sounds UBER exciting.  aka its not.  but i felt like sharing ANYWAYS!
 So that is all for now peeps.  I don't really know what else to "rant" about.  if you have any requests(which would be rather creeper but why not?) feel free to make them! otherwise

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


it cracks me up how much finals can change people.  some people I know have gone a little craaaazy from them.  others take the stress quite well and just buckle down and get it DONE!  and then there is me.  I have to take breaks between studying otherwise my brain CAN NOT TAKE IT!  but that is just me...
these are my methods of what i like to call brain breaks:
dance around the apartment
have a glass of juice
 eat a snack
watch a movie
red a book.
REAL exciting i know! lol
BUT the bonus' to finals are:ONCE THEY ARE FINISHED I SEE MAH FAMILY!  I kind of wish i had some fake piercing to stick in my eyebrow so I could freak them out ;).  but not really.  that would be mean.
but once I get home (after christmas sadly) I HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A TO DO LIST!
becuase I am that cool
1.lug all my stuff up to my room
2. take a nap on either the couch in the loft or the couch in the family room.  becuase i miss comfy couches.  the couch i am sitting on currently hurts your bootie
3. walk my dog
4. walk around the warmer calin in shorts and a tee.  just to see if my blood really has thickened
5.  take a nap on my BED
6. antagonize me friends.  becuase that is the cool thing to do. AKA randomly show up at thier houses and make weird faces at them
8. go shopping because i can(but not buy anything)
9. eat a peice of fruit BESIDES an apple of a banana becuase thats only fruit i have had for a WHILE
10. enjoy cable tv

and this is my random post while taking a break from my studies. BAYUM!