this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Saturday, June 18, 2011

On an unusually serious note:  Do you ever feel like you have some greater purpose in life?  Like you are not living up to your potential and one day in life you are going to make a big differance?  Like your potential is just waiting to bloom?  Because I have felt that way every day of my life and am just waiting for that feeling to go away and for me to realize what it is that I have felt my whole life I am building up to.  Because the tension is nauseating and I would like to be done with it.  end of story.

on my usual less serious note:  It was brough to my attention today that my brief opinion on movies/ books is "funny"?  I am not so sure but I feel like sharing them.

The voyage of the Dawn treader -movie vs. book:  The movie added an element of the green mist so that the climax is actually there and made a story I already loved more interesting in a style so much in the fashion of C.S. Lewis I had to rack my brain to remember it was not in the book.  Whereas in the book there are a bunch of cool short stories, then suddenly they are at the end of the world and aslan is a lamb.  woo buddy great climax.

Romeo and Juliet: I realize that this play is a classic by the genius Shakesphere.  I get it, but who can DENY how CHEESEY the play is? "I just met you but I cant live without you?"  is just lame.  i mean they met each other just a few days before, but fall in love and kill themselves over each others alleged or real deaths because they CANT LIVE without each other? talk about the first soap opera this world has known of. super cheese.  end of story.

Post Grad: i just watched it with my room mate.  she did not find it funny while i was laughing histerically.  a crazy family complete with a woman trying out coffins before she dies, a boy who licks other people and a coffin made into a derby car?  it makes my nutso family seem normal.  

hmm another movie i rant on a lot...nacho libre: a fat man in spandex? no thank you.  it's gross.  end of story.

so that would be the end of the late night robyn movie rants. lol.  sorry if i offended any one. especially with romeo and juliet.

So...a week ago was my 19th birthday.  I don't really feel any older or wiser.  Maybe it's because it's a hump year birthday.  Between to bigger birthdays.  I am not really sure.  What I am sure is I have never gotten so many packages in the mail before.  Note to self: if there is any time to be depressed it is right before your birthday.  Why?  BECAUSE EVERYONE BOOSTS YOUR EGO! not that i was depressed...i just had that        
random thought.  along with the thought neon socks are super cool and i now have enough sugar to feed an army.
DEAR WORLD: just because I am skinny does NOT mean i can eat as much sugar as i please.  so i would like it if you would stop tempting me by giving it to me all the time. 

wind is lovely.  the other day I was walking around campus and the wind was rippling through my hair perfectly.  I felt like I was in a shampoo commercial.  I have always wanted to be in a shampoo commercial :)  yay for my imaginary ten mins of fame.

SO THATS ALL!  this is what happens when I am tired and feel lame for doing nothing on my Friday night.  Aren't I cool?  hahah how about NOT.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Random thoughts

Ever since memorial day weekend my beloved room mates have been acting like old farts.  They each have both in been in bed by 10:40 at the latest every night.  They need walkers. seriously.  Somehow going home aged them ;)

It is june an all around the west coast it is COLD!  we had nice weather yesterday but it quickly retreated like a dog with it's tail between its legs.  REMIND ME WHY HIPPIES THINK THERE IS SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING?  i mean seriously.  Al Gore must be feeling really stupid right now.  And please don't just pick up the global cooling theory right now becuase i wish the hippies would stop being so fickle. yes we should stop polluting but no pollution is not why the weather is bi poloar.  it is becuase the weather is like a teen ager.  it is moody and cant decide what it is feeling.  *END OF ROBYN'S RANT ON WEATHER/GLOBAL WARMING*

 Is it just me or is the IDEA of funerals more exciting than weddings?  They have a dead guy in a coffin where people weep over then and claim how awesome they were.  There is food and a color theme!(black)  Becuase my family thinks it's weird that I have been planning my funeral for the past 2 years instead of a wedding(my dad claims that's what girls my age should be planning).  Weddings are so cliche'!  You have the wedding colors, a cake you shove in someones face and some lame music no one dances to while people admire the several hundred dollar ress the bride is wearing she will never wear again.  Funerals are interesting becuase of the CORPSE element.  And the fact it is your last party above ground.  even if you are just the dead center piece.   My dad thinks I should join the two and marry a corpse.  There was already a movie called the corpse bride,  i don't think my life shoul be called the corpse groom.  thats all i have to say about that.

I swear my room mates are out to get me an they don't even know it.  One of them burnt my kitchen towel beyond use, and the other one broke one of my kitchen plates.  I love them dearly but I seriously wonder WHAT IS NEXT?  My shoes? ( I hope not.  I love my shoes.  Theysa cute)

AND THAT END MY RANDOM THOUGHTS/RANTS!  I hope I didn't offend anyone...