YAY IT'S CHRISTMAS SEASON! after weeks of scowling at people for blasting christmas music too early, and grudgingly singing christmas songs in class for opening hymns...IT IS FINALLY CHRISTMAS SEASON!
Faster than you can blast my "twisted christmas" CD with my personal fave: "the restroom door said gentlemen" our apartment has christmas decorations! christmas lights strewn around the apartment, red and white ornaments, and silver garland. personally i feel like our apartment belongs in a target commercial. ITS RED, WHITE, AND SILVER ALL OVER! scary right? I think so! for reals. We also drew snow flakes on our window. my room mates additions look great. mine...well lets say preschool students would be ashamed of me. NEVER said i was good at art! just annoying banter ;)
my personal FAVE of our apt is our GHETTO mistletoe on our door. ghetto? how can it be ghetto? BECAUSE IT'S A STICKY NOTE THAT SAYS MISTLETOE ON IT! in case you can't tell I find the idea hilarious. and yes i am sure you guessed it, it was MY idea. :)
Watch out fellahs, all the desperate girls on our floor might try to catch you in front of our door. ;) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I even warned my room mates. Considering as a joke I tried to kiss one of them on the cheek. too bad she moved and i only got her ear. lol. Personally I just want to see peoples reactions to our ghetto mistletoe. It funnnnney.
Other news :
I was directionally challenged getting out of bed the other day. I thought I was rolling OUT of bed and kept rolling into the wall. Like three times. I kept wondering why I couldnt get out. I am super cool like that. Be jealous.
Our kitchen light is pretty broken. On ocassion it comes back. STROBE LIGHT IN THE COCINA! WOOT WOOT! party in hereee. or maybe we are just barbaric and like to cook in the dark? idk take your pic. either may be true. I am not saying which ;)
It is WARM in (almost) DECEMBER! at least for Idaho it is warm. Dear hippies: if global warming does exist (which i still am inconclusive on deciding) for once I DO NOT mind the results. this is nice. I do not like being cold.
the all caps was out of joy and despair. I have mixed feelings on this.
well that is the end of my random late night thoughts. have a fantastic night in yo beds. I am headed there. :)
this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
thankful thanksgiving
so last week was THANKSGIVING! last year i did a list of things i was thankful for over the thanksgiving break. it seemed to be a big hit so why not do it again?
- my ipod. because the kid sitting next to me in the car ride kept correcting my grammar. if i wasn't listening he would leave me alone
- my phone. because i was reallllllly bored on the car ride
- my doggie. she is def by far the one i got the most kissies from over the week ;)
- my cat. i am SO greatful she chose to wake me up with her forehead bumping mine. who dosent want to be woken with forehead nudging in the morning? EVERYONE RIGHT
- I am thankful for umbrellas. because it was raining super hard at a run to feed the hungry i attended to watch three peeps who were important to me at the time. at the end they were all WET and i was DRY! add THAT to my list of why I DO NOT RUN!!!! :D
- I am thankful for sparkling cider. because i had a WHOLE bottle to myself at thanksgiving while the legal drinkers had wine. BAWS STATUS!
- I am thankful for my friends. even if they are over protective. WAY TOO PROTECTIVE
- I am thankful i could pillage my parents pantry before i left. i am now three boxes of mac ncheese, one box of brownie mix and two cans of soup richer. SAY WHATTT. you know you are jealous of my spoils. because everyone should be
- i am thankful for my sissy.
- I am thankful for mah FUNNEH BONE! and i dont mean the anatomical one\
- I am greatful for the casserole my mommy made me. I DIDNT HAVE TO COOK
so there are some things i was thankful for over the break. i dont think it was aaaaaaaas exciting as last years (i almost pressed the s button down more in as and then realized what that would say. GOOD THING I CAUGHT THAT) hope all you had a great thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
So It is Novemeber, which means it is going to snow! I just wish more people were aware of that. My neighbor who lives above me and is a freshmen said :"Isn't it a little too early to snow? Also, I wasn't expecting all this ice!" bahahaha that's what you get for thinking. :P
But snow has it pluses:
But snow has it pluses:
- I get to wear all my winter layers. AKA I stand out in the crowd with all my pink winter wear. And people know it's me from a mile away. Which makes me feel popular.
- Our parking lot was completely COVERED IN ICE for a few days. I WAS SLIDING ON IT LIKE I WAS ICE SKATING! which was fun
- I get to make all my crazy friends back in california who wished it snowed there jealous
Those are the only things I can think of because lets face it: I DO NOT LIKE SLIPPING ON MY WAY TO CLASS! Plus the snow hates me and even though i had my tongue out for like 3 minutes it REFUSED to land there! the tip of my nose however...that's a different story
One more thing: walking around in these freezing temps It looks like we are all smoking when we breathe. Which I mean who knows maybe A closet smoker is taking this time to smoke in public without others noticing (unless they use their nose that is) but for the rest of us: WE NO SMOKIN! (unless you talkin bout our looks. cuz lets face it...all mormons are in that sense!)
IT JUST STARTED SNOWIN! I don't like cali, but times like this makes me miss it.
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