It is good to get away from the clutches of rexburg for a while. the land of show and tell it feels like. And what are people showing and telling about? Who they are dating! I don't really mind, it's just kind of obnoxious. The sidewalk is like a runway where they drag there special someone with them and nothing can split them up. Literally. I once had to jump in the bushes because a couple wouldn't make room for me on the sidewalk and/or separate. gotta love rexburg show and tell. I think I preferred when we were in preschool and show and tell consisted of the cool toy uncle Jimmy brought us and our new teddy bears. Unless you consider boyfriends teddy bears. ;)
Now that I am home for a few weeks I have had a few adventures:
- I got second degree burns from my truck key, talk about unlocking a whole new temperature!
- I went to the beach with my friends and took a nap on the beach. While one of my friends had tons of sand collapse on him and make it so he couldn't breathe. OOPS. Dear fate: when I say I can literally sleep through tragedies- I don't actually WANT to sleep through them! there are pictures of them all trying to pull him out of the sand...and me just lying in the background. Talk about an action packed nap!
- I have been curling my hair so much that several people are shocked that I have natrually straight hair. I FOOLED YA SUCKAHS!
- I finally met someone who also pronounces "here" and "herrrr". It made my day. I also met another person who walks up to people and says "what's cookin' good looking?" As excited that there are OTHERS I am sad to no longer be my own entity.
- I BECAME AN AUNT! no witty comment to that. I just felt like sharing. Because it is purty AWESOME if I may say so myself.
- I have started calling the Tylenol I always carry in my purse my happy pills. I am curious to see the looks strangers will give me. Should be entertaining
- I saw a guy wanderin around a parking lot on those weird nerd things where it's a platform you stand on with two big wheels? He had some super awesome wheels- all security guards should ride in style like that. I am not making fun of him- I mean it. Because it gives me joy.
- I have fell back in love with books. I fell out of love for a little bit. My poor babies. Also when I referred to my books as my babies- a woman thought I meant that I HAD BABIES! HAHAHA! No. Just of the book variety. As long as my books don't become the forests of the vashta nerrada I will forever call them my babies.
- Fruit is fantastic
- I fell out of love whit sugar. Just the thought of it disgusts me. No clue why. But I guess I will be eating healthier now
- I almost DIED on my way to winco one day just to buy some lettuce! Not really...I was just getting the hang of the stick. However it is a good tragedy to tell. Until I get into the details. Oops.
well there is so much more that has happened but that is what I am sharing now. Sorry I never write anything anymore I just... procrastinate to well. I shall procrastinate some more...tomorrow.
YAY SUMMER! (I finally got a tan and I am still whiter than everyone else. As long as no one says I look like a vampire ever again I am happy)
PEACE! run through the streets bare foot and be awesome!