So it has been a WHILE since I have posted anything. Sorry. I just haven't felt like I have anything of interest to share. Or anything that is funny anyways. But I have decided who cares if it is funny, I am going to post something ANYWAYS. Hopefully it will make you chuckle, and if not, well, I warned you.
So here are ten things that you may, or may not know about me that make me, well me with some of my interesting quirks.
10. I am afraid of the dark. I don't mean like don't turn out the light I am going to scream. It's more in the sense that sometimes when I walk into a dark room I suddenly imagine some gnarly looking man with scars all over his face who is wearing a trench coat and is waiting in a dark corner to stab me. yes, I keep imagining gnarly men with scars who will stab me. I also refuse to walk outside at night by myself, but that is just common sense if you ask me.
9.I hate odd numbers, except for the number 5. Odd numbers are just too wacky for me, when I was a little kid I got it into my hear they are evil and weird because it was hard for me to count up with odd numbers. Ever since then, I just dislike odd numbers. except for the number five, that's my lucky number.
8. I hate cats. Except my cat. I LOVE my cat! I love her so much I let her snuggle with me every night which can lead to her waking my up when she either crawls on top of my chest, or even better, my head. Yes, that has happened. The worst part? I am now growing to like other cats as well. I think she is possessing me with her kitty senses and making me like them or something...
7.I hate conforming to what society expect of people. I just don't understand why everyone acts a certain way just because you "shouldn't". Why can't I sleep in my jeans every night? I find them just as comfortable. Oh wait, it is not what you are supposed to do. same with sleeping in the same shirt I wore that day, apparently that is "gross", but you are sleeping so it's not like you should care! So, I wear mis matched socks every day just because we are not "supposed" to. Society is mean and I am going to break all the fashion rules I can without being naked, because that is just gross.
6. On that note, I hate naked bodies. And being naked. I do it as rarely as possible, which means only when I shower. Clothes were invented for a reason people! I don't want to see your buisness. Keep it to yourself, literally. The end.
5.Hats are great. I wear beanies all the time. I am wearing one right now! it's teal green and is very cozy. It's like a hug for your head!
4. although I very loudly say cliche's are stupid and all that, I, like everyone else, secretly want some of those cliche's to happen to them. You know, fall in love, get married, that sort of thing.
3.I suck at dancing, but when I am alone at home I like to spin like a ballerina over and over again. It's fun and it makes me feel elegant.
2. I always root for the "little guy" in movies and books. Which is why when I lost all sense and read twilight I rooted for Jacob and in the Hunger Games I rooted for gale. I root for the little guy. hte sad part? As soon as the little guy wins, I feel bad for the guy who didn't get the girl and am suddenly rooting for him. I am that swayable. I have issues.
2. I leave to go serve a mission for my church, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 23 days and will be serving in Wichita Kansas.
1. I am really terrified I will mess up my mission, that I will ruin peoples ideas of what my church is or be "too pushy" (which is how I tend to see the missionaries) but I am going and hope to spread the word of the Lord's church to people. :)
There you go, the not so secret life of Robyn. Peace out lovelies!