YAY IT'S CHRISTMAS SEASON! after weeks of scowling at people for blasting christmas music too early, and grudgingly singing christmas songs in class for opening hymns...IT IS FINALLY CHRISTMAS SEASON!
Faster than you can blast my "twisted christmas" CD with my personal fave: "the restroom door said gentlemen" our apartment has christmas decorations! christmas lights strewn around the apartment, red and white ornaments, and silver garland. personally i feel like our apartment belongs in a target commercial. ITS RED, WHITE, AND SILVER ALL OVER! scary right? I think so! for reals. We also drew snow flakes on our window. my room mates additions look great. mine...well lets say preschool students would be ashamed of me. NEVER said i was good at art! just annoying banter ;)
my personal FAVE of our apt is our GHETTO mistletoe on our door. ghetto? how can it be ghetto? BECAUSE IT'S A STICKY NOTE THAT SAYS MISTLETOE ON IT! in case you can't tell I find the idea hilarious. and yes i am sure you guessed it, it was MY idea. :)
Watch out fellahs, all the desperate girls on our floor might try to catch you in front of our door. ;) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I even warned my room mates. Considering as a joke I tried to kiss one of them on the cheek. too bad she moved and i only got her ear. lol. Personally I just want to see peoples reactions to our ghetto mistletoe. It funnnnney.
Other news :
I was directionally challenged getting out of bed the other day. I thought I was rolling OUT of bed and kept rolling into the wall. Like three times. I kept wondering why I couldnt get out. I am super cool like that. Be jealous.
Our kitchen light is pretty broken. On ocassion it comes back. STROBE LIGHT IN THE COCINA! WOOT WOOT! party in hereee. or maybe we are just barbaric and like to cook in the dark? idk take your pic. either may be true. I am not saying which ;)
It is WARM in (almost) DECEMBER! at least for Idaho it is warm. Dear hippies: if global warming does exist (which i still am inconclusive on deciding) for once I DO NOT mind the results. this is nice. I do not like being cold.
the all caps was out of joy and despair. I have mixed feelings on this.
well that is the end of my random late night thoughts. have a fantastic night in yo beds. I am headed there. :)
this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
thankful thanksgiving
so last week was THANKSGIVING! last year i did a list of things i was thankful for over the thanksgiving break. it seemed to be a big hit so why not do it again?
- my ipod. because the kid sitting next to me in the car ride kept correcting my grammar. if i wasn't listening he would leave me alone
- my phone. because i was reallllllly bored on the car ride
- my doggie. she is def by far the one i got the most kissies from over the week ;)
- my cat. i am SO greatful she chose to wake me up with her forehead bumping mine. who dosent want to be woken with forehead nudging in the morning? EVERYONE RIGHT
- I am thankful for umbrellas. because it was raining super hard at a run to feed the hungry i attended to watch three peeps who were important to me at the time. at the end they were all WET and i was DRY! add THAT to my list of why I DO NOT RUN!!!! :D
- I am thankful for sparkling cider. because i had a WHOLE bottle to myself at thanksgiving while the legal drinkers had wine. BAWS STATUS!
- I am thankful for my friends. even if they are over protective. WAY TOO PROTECTIVE
- I am thankful i could pillage my parents pantry before i left. i am now three boxes of mac ncheese, one box of brownie mix and two cans of soup richer. SAY WHATTT. you know you are jealous of my spoils. because everyone should be
- i am thankful for my sissy.
- I am thankful for mah FUNNEH BONE! and i dont mean the anatomical one\
- I am greatful for the casserole my mommy made me. I DIDNT HAVE TO COOK
so there are some things i was thankful for over the break. i dont think it was aaaaaaaas exciting as last years (i almost pressed the s button down more in as and then realized what that would say. GOOD THING I CAUGHT THAT) hope all you had a great thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
So It is Novemeber, which means it is going to snow! I just wish more people were aware of that. My neighbor who lives above me and is a freshmen said :"Isn't it a little too early to snow? Also, I wasn't expecting all this ice!" bahahaha that's what you get for thinking. :P
But snow has it pluses:
But snow has it pluses:
- I get to wear all my winter layers. AKA I stand out in the crowd with all my pink winter wear. And people know it's me from a mile away. Which makes me feel popular.
- Our parking lot was completely COVERED IN ICE for a few days. I WAS SLIDING ON IT LIKE I WAS ICE SKATING! which was fun
- I get to make all my crazy friends back in california who wished it snowed there jealous
Those are the only things I can think of because lets face it: I DO NOT LIKE SLIPPING ON MY WAY TO CLASS! Plus the snow hates me and even though i had my tongue out for like 3 minutes it REFUSED to land there! the tip of my nose however...that's a different story
One more thing: walking around in these freezing temps It looks like we are all smoking when we breathe. Which I mean who knows maybe A closet smoker is taking this time to smoke in public without others noticing (unless they use their nose that is) but for the rest of us: WE NO SMOKIN! (unless you talkin bout our looks. cuz lets face it...all mormons are in that sense!)
IT JUST STARTED SNOWIN! I don't like cali, but times like this makes me miss it.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The last week of october WHAT!?
But seriously it is. Which is sad because other than june, october is my favorite month of the YEAR!
WHY? well here are some reasons:
But seriously it is. Which is sad because other than june, october is my favorite month of the YEAR!
WHY? well here are some reasons:
- Pumpkins are in season. and I LOVE pumpkin pie.
- Pumpkin carving which means I have PERMISSION TO GUT SOMETHING! It is just so much fun! Just feel the oozing goodness through your fingers. DO IT
- Pumpkin carving which means I have permission to cut through things! (kay maybe i always do but i have no real reason any other time)
- CANDY ON SALE! Quick lets all get a sugar over load at foam at the mouth!
- Weirdos in costume for no reason just walkin around. In fact yesterday i saw someone dressed up like a JEDI just walkin around campus. I think he was supposed to be hans solo but the last time i was a star wars buff was when I was 7, so don't wuote me on THAT. Harry potter trivia however, i will DOMINATE
- IT'S OKAY TO DRESS UP CRAZY! I love costumes. No joke. If it was socially acceptable i would wear atleast one costume a week ALL YEAR. I could have themed months! WHATTTT
- PARTIES! i love random parties, but sadly most people don't have random parties. NOW THERE ARE ENOUGH PARTIES THAT I AM SO CONTENT! even if i have not been invited to ONE. i am SO POPULAR GUYS
- PERMISSION TO SCARE PEOPLE! I dressed up like a zombie with this dude I know, and we just walked around our complexes scaring the CRAP out of people. YES! Although i must say the girls freaked out WAY MORE THAN THE GUYS. surpised much? NOPE.
- PEOPLE LOCKING THEIR DOORS ON ME! No joke. We scared one chick so much she locked her front door. So much for neighborly love. Cuz we re neighbors. thanks man. You just broke my zombie heart.
Of course there are reasons to NOT like October. But the list is shorter.
- scary movies. Over rated much? who wants to watch movies about how every one dies and fake screams by actors who can't even act? If i want to watch talentless actors I will watch the disney channel which i only do when I am baby sitting or REALLY bored
- some people may not like to be scared. But come on it's SO MUCH FUN. seriously. last year at a haunted maze i had a grunting war with one of the people who was supposed to scare me he FAILED. but the grunt wars was fun! on my side. i think he was irritated i wasn't screaming like most girls do. TOO BAD SUCKA
- you don't like kids takin your candy. THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND! it's MAH CANDY! except i give it to them because they are so dang CUTE. but i still get possesive over my sugar. just sayinn
- the party poopers who don't like halloween. they just ruin the scarin mood. seriously. every party has a pooper but i wish we hadnt invited you to THIS party. LAME FACES
SO ENJOY OCTOBER! and don't be an old grandma who hates halloween. I mean SERIOUSLY. just not cool. now i need to go scrub my face because my zombie blood stained my face and I now look sunburnt. be jealous.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Chicken or the egg kinda thing
I have an odd idea. Is the reason my life is so weird because I am such a unique person or am I a unique person because my life is so weird? It is a chicken or the egg thought. But seriously how many people do you know that was/has :
born In a car
My mom's water broke a week BEFORE I was born. she calims I was born thanks to a yoga video she did the day before my birth
Broke both their legs on play ground equipment!
My eyes are SO messed up that my eye doctor said glasses won't even help
Parents suggested I marry a dead person
My sister claims she wants to buy a private island so she can run around NAKED on it
Has a phobia of bodies
Once grabbed by a creepy old man while walking my dog at night NOT ALONE! (don't worry I screamed and he ran away)
A sonic sneeze that has caused people to jump in the pews at church, professors to cringe away from me, and the guy who sits in front of me in leadership to no longer lean back in his chair.
need I go on? Yeah that's my life. so i seriously which came first? Because it was a "profound" thought I had while walking home from class today. Profound me? But really.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
back packing STAND UP? whAAAAAt?
Okay, So I am a recreation management major. and before you start thinking I am all about being outdoorsy and not showering. I am not. I mean i love the outdoors, but that is NOT why it is my major. HOWEVER, I DO have to take outdoors classes, icluding my class where we went backpacking this weekend to show our basic skills we have learned. Exciting right? ESPECIALLY since it snowed last weekend. Just fel the joy that was exuding out of me
however:our weather was rather nice. It was just really cold the last morning. In fact I lost all feeling in my fingers for about 15 minutes. NBD.
list of things noteworthy on the trip:
-I was at the VERY back of the hike the entire first day. I don't mind being the caboose, but I always imagined a caboose to be...bigger.
-A girl in my class ripped her pants. WOAH MORE THAN I WANTED TO SEE (okay she was wearing spandex underneath...but STILL)
-My water bottle leaked on ALL my clothes on the first day. So i ended up wearing the same set of clothes for all three days. I just smelt like roses ;)
-My class decided I was crazy
-My class decided I was funny (I always like saying that because it makes me feel acomplished)
-apparently my life is really exciting? Because they seemed to think it was. And decided they need to meet my family. Whatevs if you want to drive me all the way to cali so we can both see the parentals I am up for it.
-my whole class has joined the train that i should become a comedian. YAY PRESSURE. like seriously. scarrrry
-the sole of my shoe came off in the mud on our day hike. So we duct taped it on to hike back to camp. luckily i brought another pair of shoes in case. WINNING! although having a duct tape shoe is kinda cool. only the front was duct taped so i felt like a flip flop, but not. twas weird
-I was asked how it is I became the way I am. complement or insult? still not sure...
-I made the mistake of telling my whole class i would love to one day become a comedian (not that it would ever happen but it WOULD be cool) so they made me do stand up for them last night. I HAD NOTHING PRE PREPARED. gee thanks guys. feelin the love. especially sinc eyou only laughed at half my jokes. and wouldnt beleive these stories actually happened in my life. because they did. but yes. i did campfire stand up. arn't i just CLASSY
-i made it home SAFE! hooray. life seriously. no rain. just numb fingers. not the most ideal trade up but whatevs.
SO BACKT O SCHOOL. gosh darn. what will i do. except homework. because i always have homework. and sleep. i love to sleep. a lot PEACE PARTY PEOPLE
list of things noteworthy on the trip:
-I was at the VERY back of the hike the entire first day. I don't mind being the caboose, but I always imagined a caboose to be...bigger.
-A girl in my class ripped her pants. WOAH MORE THAN I WANTED TO SEE (okay she was wearing spandex underneath...but STILL)
-My water bottle leaked on ALL my clothes on the first day. So i ended up wearing the same set of clothes for all three days. I just smelt like roses ;)
-My class decided I was crazy
-My class decided I was funny (I always like saying that because it makes me feel acomplished)
-apparently my life is really exciting? Because they seemed to think it was. And decided they need to meet my family. Whatevs if you want to drive me all the way to cali so we can both see the parentals I am up for it.
-my whole class has joined the train that i should become a comedian. YAY PRESSURE. like seriously. scarrrry
-the sole of my shoe came off in the mud on our day hike. So we duct taped it on to hike back to camp. luckily i brought another pair of shoes in case. WINNING! although having a duct tape shoe is kinda cool. only the front was duct taped so i felt like a flip flop, but not. twas weird
-I was asked how it is I became the way I am. complement or insult? still not sure...
-I made the mistake of telling my whole class i would love to one day become a comedian (not that it would ever happen but it WOULD be cool) so they made me do stand up for them last night. I HAD NOTHING PRE PREPARED. gee thanks guys. feelin the love. especially sinc eyou only laughed at half my jokes. and wouldnt beleive these stories actually happened in my life. because they did. but yes. i did campfire stand up. arn't i just CLASSY
-i made it home SAFE! hooray. life seriously. no rain. just numb fingers. not the most ideal trade up but whatevs.
SO BACKT O SCHOOL. gosh darn. what will i do. except homework. because i always have homework. and sleep. i love to sleep. a lot PEACE PARTY PEOPLE
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
thanks for complementing my shoes...
Okay so OBVIOUSLY I survived stats. Darn. the past week has been fun.
I did a comedy show. And before the whole world goes " ROBYN DID STAND UP? IT'S ABOUT TIME!" I did NOT do stand up. So you can continue to nag me to do stand up because I still do not feel comfortable with that idea.
No, i was in an improve comedy troupe. That was fun. Seriously. Although in our warm ups for the show one of my fellow people in the show had to list 7 bad pick up lines. One of them was "I like your shoes" ummmm....I GET THAT ONE A LOOOOOOT! I feel really cool right now. Way to go boys. Although I MUST say my shoes are prettttty awesome. I still think its so weird that so many guys pay attention to my shoes and complement my shoes. either way, I thought that was a funny fact.
I realized yesterday, that although I am DEF NOT a hipster...by deffinition i guess I am. WHY? Becuase I have been wearing super hero tee shirts since like MIDDLE SCHOOL andi love bright colored shoes. And just bright colors in general. hey wait...GUESS WHAT IS POPULAR AS OF LATE! that's what the 3rd grader who made fun of me for wearing a super hero shirt because it's a "boys shirt" gets. TAKE THAT LITTLE GIRL!
But seriously. She congratulated me when I wore a "girl shirt". This was two years ago and I am still bitter. I need help.
I ate tons of candy over the weekend when we had a church broadcast party. it was awesome. it felt like halloween 4 weeks early. And for those of you who know i shouldnt eat too much sugar: I HAD HALF A CUCUMBER TOO! because you know half a cucumber will counterct everything else I ate...but hey it's a start right? ;)
One lst thing: MY ONLY CLASS ON THURSDAY WAS CANCELLED THIS WEEK! I am so excited. I don't think i will get dressed till two. And while my room mates are gone (If I had bunny slippers) i would do kareoke in them while doing the electric sliiiide (if i could) talk about classic 80's movie right? yeah i thought so. BUT SERIOUSLY! It will be legit. I can actually sleep in PAST 8! YES! WINNING.
Well peeps I would say I am about to go to sleep...but that would be a lie. I am however about to read some homework excperts and THEN go to bed. And then wake up at 6:30. I am SUPER healthy right? ;) Yeah I thought so.
I do not like rain. the end
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Mormon Madness and major funnies
So back at school. Ye buddy. Feel my excitement. While I have been here I have had a tent building competition (the girls beat the boys FYI), made dutch oven desserts in the gardens (YEA BABEH) and practically thrown my stats book out the window of my apartment. BIG SURPRISE.
HECK whenever I tell people I have to take stats for my major they are SHOCKED I have to take a math class for my major.
YOU AND ME BOTH PEOPLE! I swear I think my professors just hate us. Thought they would give us a little extra brain work just for the heck of it.
Another major laugh:someone yesterday told me that he always figured that people in my major were taught how to speak to deer. NEWSFLASH: we are taught how to speak to SQUIRRELS! Keep up man. Why do you think there are so many squirrels at state and national parks? geeeze
One more thought before I go up to my stats class:
are the men on campus in a secret chivalry competition?
I think they are. Yesterday as I was walking out a building a dude literally GRABBED A DOOR OUT OF MY HAND to "hold it open for me". Don't get me wrong, it's nice and all but come on man, you can win the award in other ways than stealing a door from me. It is just rude. :P but good luck getting your secret trophy.
Now it is time for stats. If i never blog again it is becuase I died from math over load.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Camping ideas
So....I went camping for a week with the fam. It was actually quite fun. BUT while we were at crater lake here were some thoughts I had.
Why is it that all national parks have the campsites soooooooo far away from the actual attraction? It's just WRONG.
But THEN I realized that at crater lake...the sides are so steepif you DID camp on the side of the lake you would just be chillin and then suddenly "oh there goes ronnie off the side of the edge. His life was nice while it lasted." That would be TRAGIC. (tragicly funny)
So I think everyone who camps up there should where harnesses at ALL TIMES! just walk around camp with a harness around you waist. It would be kinda hard to go to the bathroom and sleep though....
ALSO everyone would get tangled up with eachothers harness ropes! So it would be like "oh hey stranger. Nice to get stuck with you..AGAIN"
And that gave me a GREAT IDEA! A CAMP FOR SINGLE PEOPLE! you get stuck with someone else when the ropes tangle and you get to know them! Genious right? I thought so but my dad thought if you kept getting stuck with someone you didn't get along with...they might just whip out a knife and cut your harness. One bad stumble and adios pal.
So NOW it has evolved to a SINGLES SURVIOVR CAMP! yeah? I think it would be great. The whole goal could be working together with people and if you work well you are granted a knife to decide if you want to cut some one off. literally. (i mean obviously there would eb a net on the side of the cliff. deaths are just not okay) It brings a whole new meaning to the show survior! and the last two ppl remaining might actually like date or something if ya know...if the gender ratio works out that way.
Aren't my mind fantasies just awesome? I thought I would share it with you
another thing: MY BROTHER STOLE MY PILLOW IN HIS SLEEP WHILE WE WERE CAMPING! that is just rude. a pillow is sacred territory man. like seriously. You just don't take another person's pillow. the end.
So now I am at school living with one of my favorite ppl EVER and my laptop is broken so I am posting this on a library computer. shhhhhhh!
PEACE PEEPSIES! I gots dinner to make
Thursday, August 25, 2011
So...it has been a while. sorry :( oooops so here are some tidbits I feel like sharing
1. So on our car ride home I told my parents that my room mate's grandparents own a steak farm...they won't ever let me forget that and the image they get of someone planting steaks in the ground...
2.Someone I know told me my face book status' always seem so real. that made me smile. And it suddenly made sense why someone I only kind of knew kept liking my status'.
3.A random guy at a church thing complemented my white calves. not only is that weird but I feel awkward that some dude is looking at my legs.
4. I sneezed so loud at one point it sounded like a bomb. And the whole chapel jumped in their seats. ooops. And yes rocklin 6th ward the sneezer was ME. I confess :)
5.Having no job while being home has made me very bored..so bored I enjoyed weeding the garden. I think something is wrong with me. I also thoroughly enjoyed washing my car yesterday...
6.My brother and I have decided that there must be toilet bandits running Amuck in town..because someone confronted me about a toilet they found on their lawn? WEIRD. I must wonder where the toilet came from? So there must be toilet bandits coming at stealing toilets straight out of your house! hopefully someone isn't on them when it happens...nasteh
7. I got 2nd degree burns on my thumb from making mac and cheese while baby sitting...mean while the kids I was baby sitting were still demanding for lunch. Fun stuff
8. My mom who I INHERITED my stark white skin from has decided my skin is too white for me to go out in public...so to get her to stop riding me i got this weird skin lotion that gradually makes your skin look tan that she claimed worked? all I got from THAT was the left side of my right calf looking orange. thanks mom. I preferred my vampire look. It helps me to match...snow ;)
so that is my summer :) enjoy the sun, ignore the crazy blond chick going insane with nothing to do and PEACE
Sunday, July 31, 2011
my life is...
so...it's been a while. oops. so for starters a few weeks ago tHE LAST HARRY POTTER MOVIE CAME OUT!
personally...I think it would be cool if the movie came out today..on july 31st because it is Harry's 31st birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!) but today is a sunday and movies just do not come out on sundays. laaaaaaaaame. The movie however was quite AMAZING! I saw the midnight showing OF COURSE...all by my loesome even becuase no one would go with me. but it was worth it. I was cheering, laughing, and drooling over the movie. it was amazing. of course it was diffrent then book...but i went in there telling myself i would not compare them too much so instead of coming out unhappy I came our very happy!
a week after HP came out was finals. laaaaame. finals suck. yet i guess i dominated at them or something becuase I have a pretty good GPA now. which is always nice. and very nice I am now done going to child lit class because that class room is a giant ICE BOX! i felt so weird carrying a sweatshirt to class with me everytime...but i always wore it in there. i wore it in my history class too i guess...but i didnt mind so much because it was interesting and not a total snore so worth the frozen body. sorta.
after finals i learned that river tubing + robyn=not so good. i dont know why but even thought i kept being told how to steer the dang thing i just couldnt figure it out! as soon as we hit rapids...faster than you could say "water" i was far behind the group and dumped out of my ttube over a rock and fighting with the current so i could get back in my tube! dosent that sound fun? welcome to the world of robyn
now:HOME FREE! filled with me trying to force green beans down my brothers throat while he shouts *while his mouth is full mind you* "i am not a garbage disposal!" and me just chillin'..or should i say bakin in cali? i would say bake. i forgot how HAWT it gets here. oh mama!
so that is allll you missed! why rapids are rude and harmful, why harry potter rocks and why i am the weird college student who carries a sweatshirt around in the middle of july.
personally...I think it would be cool if the movie came out today..on july 31st because it is Harry's 31st birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!) but today is a sunday and movies just do not come out on sundays. laaaaaaaaame. The movie however was quite AMAZING! I saw the midnight showing OF COURSE...all by my loesome even becuase no one would go with me. but it was worth it. I was cheering, laughing, and drooling over the movie. it was amazing. of course it was diffrent then book...but i went in there telling myself i would not compare them too much so instead of coming out unhappy I came our very happy!
a week after HP came out was finals. laaaaame. finals suck. yet i guess i dominated at them or something becuase I have a pretty good GPA now. which is always nice. and very nice I am now done going to child lit class because that class room is a giant ICE BOX! i felt so weird carrying a sweatshirt to class with me everytime...but i always wore it in there. i wore it in my history class too i guess...but i didnt mind so much because it was interesting and not a total snore so worth the frozen body. sorta.
after finals i learned that river tubing + robyn=not so good. i dont know why but even thought i kept being told how to steer the dang thing i just couldnt figure it out! as soon as we hit rapids...faster than you could say "water" i was far behind the group and dumped out of my ttube over a rock and fighting with the current so i could get back in my tube! dosent that sound fun? welcome to the world of robyn
now:HOME FREE! filled with me trying to force green beans down my brothers throat while he shouts *while his mouth is full mind you* "i am not a garbage disposal!" and me just chillin'..or should i say bakin in cali? i would say bake. i forgot how HAWT it gets here. oh mama!
so that is allll you missed! why rapids are rude and harmful, why harry potter rocks and why i am the weird college student who carries a sweatshirt around in the middle of july.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
super sneeze
so, it is llergy season which means what? ROBYN SNEEZES A TON! And, if you know me (and i have no clue why any complete stranger would bother to read my blog) you would know I sneeze SUPER loud. Here is what has happened thanks to my sneeze over the past month:
1. My sneeze has echoed around my bedroom on numerous occasions and made my bed make a weird ringing noise
2. My history teacher literally took a step back from shock, the whole class sat silence stunned s my sneeze echoed around the room
3. I have caused everyone in a sunday school class to look at me funny and stop talking mid sentence
4. I have efficiently scared my self because of my sneezes
5. this didn't happen this month, but last fall the bishop said "bless you" over the pulpit.
Aren't my sneezes special? More like obnoxiously loud but still
PS: I THINK I MIGHT HAVE GOT A TAN! this is super exciting since i have stark white skin and the last time I was in a bathing suit people were calling me dracula
1. My sneeze has echoed around my bedroom on numerous occasions and made my bed make a weird ringing noise
2. My history teacher literally took a step back from shock, the whole class sat silence stunned s my sneeze echoed around the room
3. I have caused everyone in a sunday school class to look at me funny and stop talking mid sentence
4. I have efficiently scared my self because of my sneezes
5. this didn't happen this month, but last fall the bishop said "bless you" over the pulpit.
Aren't my sneezes special? More like obnoxiously loud but still
PS: I THINK I MIGHT HAVE GOT A TAN! this is super exciting since i have stark white skin and the last time I was in a bathing suit people were calling me dracula
Saturday, June 18, 2011
On an unusually serious note: Do you ever feel like you have some greater purpose in life? Like you are not living up to your potential and one day in life you are going to make a big differance? Like your potential is just waiting to bloom? Because I have felt that way every day of my life and am just waiting for that feeling to go away and for me to realize what it is that I have felt my whole life I am building up to. Because the tension is nauseating and I would like to be done with it. end of story.
on my usual less serious note: It was brough to my attention today that my brief opinion on movies/ books is "funny"? I am not so sure but I feel like sharing them.
The voyage of the Dawn treader -movie vs. book: The movie added an element of the green mist so that the climax is actually there and made a story I already loved more interesting in a style so much in the fashion of C.S. Lewis I had to rack my brain to remember it was not in the book. Whereas in the book there are a bunch of cool short stories, then suddenly they are at the end of the world and aslan is a lamb. woo buddy great climax.
Romeo and Juliet: I realize that this play is a classic by the genius Shakesphere. I get it, but who can DENY how CHEESEY the play is? "I just met you but I cant live without you?" is just lame. i mean they met each other just a few days before, but fall in love and kill themselves over each others alleged or real deaths because they CANT LIVE without each other? talk about the first soap opera this world has known of. super cheese. end of story.
Post Grad: i just watched it with my room mate. she did not find it funny while i was laughing histerically. a crazy family complete with a woman trying out coffins before she dies, a boy who licks other people and a coffin made into a derby car? it makes my nutso family seem normal.
hmm another movie i rant on a lot...nacho libre: a fat man in spandex? no thank you. it's gross. end of story.
so that would be the end of the late night robyn movie rants. lol. sorry if i offended any one. especially with romeo and juliet.
So...a week ago was my 19th birthday. I don't really feel any older or wiser. Maybe it's because it's a hump year birthday. Between to bigger birthdays. I am not really sure. What I am sure is I have never gotten so many packages in the mail before. Note to self: if there is any time to be depressed it is right before your birthday. Why? BECAUSE EVERYONE BOOSTS YOUR EGO! not that i was depressed...i just had that
random thought. along with the thought neon socks are super cool and i now have enough sugar to feed an army.
DEAR WORLD: just because I am skinny does NOT mean i can eat as much sugar as i please. so i would like it if you would stop tempting me by giving it to me all the time.
wind is lovely. the other day I was walking around campus and the wind was rippling through my hair perfectly. I felt like I was in a shampoo commercial. I have always wanted to be in a shampoo commercial :) yay for my imaginary ten mins of fame.
SO THATS ALL! this is what happens when I am tired and feel lame for doing nothing on my Friday night. Aren't I cool? hahah how about NOT.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Random thoughts
Ever since memorial day weekend my beloved room mates have been acting like old farts. They each have both in been in bed by 10:40 at the latest every night. They need walkers. seriously. Somehow going home aged them ;)
It is june an all around the west coast it is COLD! we had nice weather yesterday but it quickly retreated like a dog with it's tail between its legs. REMIND ME WHY HIPPIES THINK THERE IS SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING? i mean seriously. Al Gore must be feeling really stupid right now. And please don't just pick up the global cooling theory right now becuase i wish the hippies would stop being so fickle. yes we should stop polluting but no pollution is not why the weather is bi poloar. it is becuase the weather is like a teen ager. it is moody and cant decide what it is feeling. *END OF ROBYN'S RANT ON WEATHER/GLOBAL WARMING*
Is it just me or is the IDEA of funerals more exciting than weddings? They have a dead guy in a coffin where people weep over then and claim how awesome they were. There is food and a color theme!(black) Becuase my family thinks it's weird that I have been planning my funeral for the past 2 years instead of a wedding(my dad claims that's what girls my age should be planning). Weddings are so cliche'! You have the wedding colors, a cake you shove in someones face and some lame music no one dances to while people admire the several hundred dollar ress the bride is wearing she will never wear again. Funerals are interesting becuase of the CORPSE element. And the fact it is your last party above ground. even if you are just the dead center piece. My dad thinks I should join the two and marry a corpse. There was already a movie called the corpse bride, i don't think my life shoul be called the corpse groom. thats all i have to say about that.
I swear my room mates are out to get me an they don't even know it. One of them burnt my kitchen towel beyond use, and the other one broke one of my kitchen plates. I love them dearly but I seriously wonder WHAT IS NEXT? My shoes? ( I hope not. I love my shoes. Theysa cute)
AND THAT END MY RANDOM THOUGHTS/RANTS! I hope I didn't offend anyone...
It is june an all around the west coast it is COLD! we had nice weather yesterday but it quickly retreated like a dog with it's tail between its legs. REMIND ME WHY HIPPIES THINK THERE IS SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING? i mean seriously. Al Gore must be feeling really stupid right now. And please don't just pick up the global cooling theory right now becuase i wish the hippies would stop being so fickle. yes we should stop polluting but no pollution is not why the weather is bi poloar. it is becuase the weather is like a teen ager. it is moody and cant decide what it is feeling. *END OF ROBYN'S RANT ON WEATHER/GLOBAL WARMING*
Is it just me or is the IDEA of funerals more exciting than weddings? They have a dead guy in a coffin where people weep over then and claim how awesome they were. There is food and a color theme!(black) Becuase my family thinks it's weird that I have been planning my funeral for the past 2 years instead of a wedding(my dad claims that's what girls my age should be planning). Weddings are so cliche'! You have the wedding colors, a cake you shove in someones face and some lame music no one dances to while people admire the several hundred dollar ress the bride is wearing she will never wear again. Funerals are interesting becuase of the CORPSE element. And the fact it is your last party above ground. even if you are just the dead center piece. My dad thinks I should join the two and marry a corpse. There was already a movie called the corpse bride, i don't think my life shoul be called the corpse groom. thats all i have to say about that.
I swear my room mates are out to get me an they don't even know it. One of them burnt my kitchen towel beyond use, and the other one broke one of my kitchen plates. I love them dearly but I seriously wonder WHAT IS NEXT? My shoes? ( I hope not. I love my shoes. Theysa cute)
AND THAT END MY RANDOM THOUGHTS/RANTS! I hope I didn't offend anyone...
Monday, May 23, 2011
only me...
So guess what i did last week? I STARTED A FIRE IN MY APARTMENT! now before you call the fireman to come and keep me away from fire for the rest of my life and hide all matches from my possesion you MIGHT want to hear what happened.
My apartment segments up dinner duty each week. I always cook dinner for all three of us on wednesday. So there I was making spaghetti(but with chicken instead of beef) and my noodles were too long to fit in the pan!
so there i was snapping the noodles in half right by my stove (which is electric by the way. we are not allowed to have open flames in our apartment) and little peices kept flying everywhere!
well JUST MY LUCK apparently one of the noodles flew under the pot right by the already hot burner. Within five minutes a flame started up UNDER MY PAN!
Which if you think about it, that is completely IRONIC that i had a unwanted flame underneath my pot on a stove! So there I was worried what to do about a flame that was starting to slowly get larger and I was constantly flickering my eyes to our fire extinguisher when it extinguished on its OWN! TALK ABOUT TAKING AWAY THE EXCITEMENT IN MY LIFE! So that is the story of how i started a fire in my apartment. Aren't I oh so reckless?
random note: in my English class we always have a "news" portion before our teacher starts well..teaching. I am always soooooo tempted to raise my hand ans shout " I'M ENGAGED!" then i would get a bunch of congratulations and then yell " PSYCH!" hahahahahahahahaha! so tempting. but i am afraid my whole class would jump me...
My apartment segments up dinner duty each week. I always cook dinner for all three of us on wednesday. So there I was making spaghetti(but with chicken instead of beef) and my noodles were too long to fit in the pan!
so there i was snapping the noodles in half right by my stove (which is electric by the way. we are not allowed to have open flames in our apartment) and little peices kept flying everywhere!
well JUST MY LUCK apparently one of the noodles flew under the pot right by the already hot burner. Within five minutes a flame started up UNDER MY PAN!
Which if you think about it, that is completely IRONIC that i had a unwanted flame underneath my pot on a stove! So there I was worried what to do about a flame that was starting to slowly get larger and I was constantly flickering my eyes to our fire extinguisher when it extinguished on its OWN! TALK ABOUT TAKING AWAY THE EXCITEMENT IN MY LIFE! So that is the story of how i started a fire in my apartment. Aren't I oh so reckless?
random note: in my English class we always have a "news" portion before our teacher starts well..teaching. I am always soooooo tempted to raise my hand ans shout " I'M ENGAGED!" then i would get a bunch of congratulations and then yell " PSYCH!" hahahahahahahahaha! so tempting. but i am afraid my whole class would jump me...
Friday, May 13, 2011
personality strengths!
so we had to take a personality quiz for my leisure class and I felt like sharing my "top five strengths". Mainly becuase I felt like posting a blog but had no idea what to write. SO I AM SHARING THIS! Because I am cool like that
1. Capacity to love and be loved
2.Humor and playfulness
3. Kindness and generosity
4. Spirituality and faith
5. Origionality and creativity
TAH DAH! it's kind of spot on. My number 6 strength was zest. Which is a large part of me too. Another intersting thing I have learned from that class is that laughter is supposed to aid with your digestion. I feel cheated. Because I laugh a lot. One other thing: on average children laugh 400 times a day and adults laugh 14 times a day. LETS CHANGE THAT AND LAUGH FIFTEEN TIMES A DAY! hahahahahaha. just kidding. or am I? This is also proof i read my homework assignments. Just sayin. Now I am going to go sunbathe on the grass outside my apt. Seriously.
1. Capacity to love and be loved
2.Humor and playfulness
3. Kindness and generosity
4. Spirituality and faith
5. Origionality and creativity
TAH DAH! it's kind of spot on. My number 6 strength was zest. Which is a large part of me too. Another intersting thing I have learned from that class is that laughter is supposed to aid with your digestion. I feel cheated. Because I laugh a lot. One other thing: on average children laugh 400 times a day and adults laugh 14 times a day. LETS CHANGE THAT AND LAUGH FIFTEEN TIMES A DAY! hahahahahaha. just kidding. or am I? This is also proof i read my homework assignments. Just sayin. Now I am going to go sunbathe on the grass outside my apt. Seriously.
Friday, May 6, 2011
So I was writing poems for my mom and my sister for mothers day and my sister's birthday when I felt like looking at a old peom for inspiration and such. I forgot I wrote this and it made me giggle. ENJOY :)
Oh You little black cube
Oh you storage unit of nasty things.
You look so shiny but smell so foul.
You gladly accept my empty banana peals and used tissues.
My love,
My joy,
It stores what no one wants,
The keeper of the unseen.
While she sits under my desk
she waits for more gifts.
My Roxanne the Trash Can
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Kay so we are supposed to write eulogies for my english class and thought i would share. KEEP IN MIND I DO NOT THINK THIS FOND OF MYSELF! But it is supposed to be for a funeral and they always say how awesome people are. Not to mention I hope to leave behind this kind of legacy. ENJOY. ( i do not plan on doing half of these thing for real in my lifetime)
.Today we gather here today to mourn the death of one of the liveliest 75 year olds any of us knew. However, I know Robyn wouldn’t have wanted us to mourn her death. She was all about celebrating life and living it to the fullest. She left this world having a party and she would want us to celebrate her life in a party like manner. She was one of the quirkiest, craziest, most colorful people I know.
.Today we gather here today to mourn the death of one of the liveliest 75 year olds any of us knew. However, I know Robyn wouldn’t have wanted us to mourn her death. She was all about celebrating life and living it to the fullest. She left this world having a party and she would want us to celebrate her life in a party like manner. She was one of the quirkiest, craziest, most colorful people I know.
A few fun facts about Robyn: she was born in a car, broke both her legs at the age of two, loved to make people laugh, and was obsessed with the color pink. On her 21st birthday she had her brother take her two a bar where she then ordered a root beer! (She had been planning that since high school). When she was 25 she back packed around Europe and went to all the museums she ever dreamt of. When she was in England there was a guy who worked at their hotel who refused to admit they had made a reservation. She could not stand that fact so she went up to that guy and demanded that he look at his records in the computer closer, but he still refused. So she got her face real close to his and had a staring contest with him until he gave in! When he looked closer in the computer, as she said it “the snotty Britt had to realize too much crumpets and tea had made him forget how to check things correctly because our name was RIGHT there!”. As I have heard it she then yelled for hooray so loud that they heard her in china.
That was Robyn. Over the past ten years she decided she was going to be a dare devil granny! She said she wanted to be heard hollering in excitement as she whizzed past 20 year nothings (as she called them) on a zip line and have then look at her surprised when they saw a 65 year old lady in a hot pink jump suit in better shape then them! She went on numerous zip lines, bungee jumping, and rock climbing and cave spelunking. She lso went on a long trip in the Amazon with her lifelong friend Elizabeth bond where they drove off a cliff but had parachutes that saved their lives! Some how they didn’t even end up in the intensive care unit of the hospital, just the basic care. Her last dare devil achievement she wanted was to go sky diving. She claimed that once that happened she would go join a knitting club and make crumbly cookies like the rest of the ladies her age! Of course once she went sky diving along side with a buddy it was not enough and she had to be certified to do it by herself. That was when she died. Her last test she was so excited her heart gave out while she was flying through the air “like super man!” as she would have put it.
When you look at an over view of her life all you see is a woman who graduated from BYU Idaho with a bachelor’s degree in recreation management, served a mission at age 21 and got married. She then became an activities planner at a senior citizen’s center and had three kids. She retired at age 65 and became a volunteer for the pro life organization. She loved her mom who was her inspiration and always told people” you are my hero number three after Jesus and my mom”. She loved all three of her siblings and dad as well. She left behind a husband and three kids. She was more than that though. Not only was she a loving mom who could make funny voices and we all thought should do stand up for years, she was a fantastic person who let the lord’s light shine through her. And now we will play the song she has requested to be played at her funeral since she was in high school. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”\
by robyn cramer
Thursday, April 21, 2011
back at the ole college. ooh baby. been here a week and i already have been asked to plan a function, am buried in homework and my textbooks are awol. OOH BABY JUST WHAT I WANTED.
it's not so bad though. my room mates are cool. although i kinda wonder how much they appreciate my love for pink. they have already realized i wear it A LOT. so yeah. thats school and me. I DID HAVE A WEEKEND OF SOLITUDE THOUGH. it was scary. i was ready to sleep with a knife in case some super creeper tried to break into my room at night. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i figured i would mostly likely harm myself instead of anyone else. so i did not attempt that. just went insane from the scilence. ooooh baby
it's not so bad though. my room mates are cool. although i kinda wonder how much they appreciate my love for pink. they have already realized i wear it A LOT. so yeah. thats school and me. I DID HAVE A WEEKEND OF SOLITUDE THOUGH. it was scary. i was ready to sleep with a knife in case some super creeper tried to break into my room at night. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i figured i would mostly likely harm myself instead of anyone else. so i did not attempt that. just went insane from the scilence. ooooh baby
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
GOING BOLD (fontwise hahahaha)
just once:
My co-worker wore pink sock in "honor" of me! (her words not mine) apparently she put them on with me in mind. makes me laugh
Another one of my co workers was looking at me strangely for a while and when i asked her why her reply: I am looking for the pink! where's the pink?
HAHAHAHA! i wan't wearing any pink clothing today to her great shock. lol
have a pinktastic dayyyyyyy
- would people not make such a big deal of how often i wear pink? there are goths ALL OVER the world who wear allllllllllllll black nevery day to make a "statement" how how depressed they are or how horrid the world is ect. i love to be cheerful and i think pink displays it best. so i don't really see what the big deal is with me owning so much of it :) I <3 PINK
- would people please stop assuming all teen girls live revolve around romance. mine doesnt.
- would people not pity me after i announce that. lol
- stop being SO SERIOUS. life is fun and full of giggles. tee hee.
My co-worker wore pink sock in "honor" of me! (her words not mine) apparently she put them on with me in mind. makes me laugh
Another one of my co workers was looking at me strangely for a while and when i asked her why her reply: I am looking for the pink! where's the pink?
HAHAHAHA! i wan't wearing any pink clothing today to her great shock. lol
have a pinktastic dayyyyyyy
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
i keep forgetting
i keep forgetting how much i DETEST packing. and then the semester ends(it doesent matter if i am attending that semester or not) and i need to pack up my things allllllllllll over again. its SO hard to decide what to keep and what to leave(either at home or in storage) and i keep having this huge fear that i will forget something that i need! AUGH! on the brightside i am forcing myself to bring WAY LESS clothes this semester. lets just hope i wont regret only packing my lightweight sweaters instead of my suuuuuuper thick ones i only wore like three times in November and December. but yes. i hate packing. its a good cleansing method of belongings though :) the one bonus. plus the fact that i get to go somewhere else once it is allllllllllllll done
fun fact: i have like a sock OBSESSION. i swear i just realized i own prolly 50-75 pairs of socks. insane.
fun fact: i have like a sock OBSESSION. i swear i just realized i own prolly 50-75 pairs of socks. insane.
Friday, April 1, 2011
dove promises!
So i FELL IN LOVE with the new dover chocolate peanut butter. its AMAZING! my co workers would eat them at work and i saved ALL the wrappers for the "dove promises" so i will share them all and give my TAKE ON IT!
"smiling is free" yes. yes it is. except for those teeth freaks who will only smile if the JUST had their teeth whitened. not so free anymore ;)
"Share a chocolate moment with a friend." by reading this to you I JUST DID! chocolate is delicoussss
"Lose yourself in a moment" "It's definitely a bubble bath day." maybe if i DID both at the same time! although frankly i think i would lose a moment by SLEEPING and stick with showers. but that's just me
"your smile lights up the room" "Happiness looks great on you." is it just me or do these sound like SUPER CHEESY pick-up lines?
"naughty can be nice" that just gives me the image of a chick in a angel costume that looks like a totalllll stripper outfit. JUST SAYIN
"sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses" I actually QUITE like this one. but now that i have smiled can i have some roses pleassssse?
"time to hit the dance floor." "dance with your heart" sounds fun! i will. wheres the party? lol
"do what feels right." "be fearless" good encouragement. seriously. i mean it
"chocolate won't let you down" unless you eat tooooo much and it makes you fat....
"daydreaming is free" YAY!
"buy yourself flowers" that kind of defeats the point.
"climb high, climb far...your goal the sky, your aim, the stars" ME LIKEY! i think my high school math teacher had this on her wall. lol
TAHDAH! i DO love these promises but i thought of just adding my twist on it!
"smiling is free" yes. yes it is. except for those teeth freaks who will only smile if the JUST had their teeth whitened. not so free anymore ;)
"Share a chocolate moment with a friend." by reading this to you I JUST DID! chocolate is delicoussss
"Lose yourself in a moment" "It's definitely a bubble bath day." maybe if i DID both at the same time! although frankly i think i would lose a moment by SLEEPING and stick with showers. but that's just me
"your smile lights up the room" "Happiness looks great on you." is it just me or do these sound like SUPER CHEESY pick-up lines?
"naughty can be nice" that just gives me the image of a chick in a angel costume that looks like a totalllll stripper outfit. JUST SAYIN
"sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses" I actually QUITE like this one. but now that i have smiled can i have some roses pleassssse?
"time to hit the dance floor." "dance with your heart" sounds fun! i will. wheres the party? lol
"do what feels right." "be fearless" good encouragement. seriously. i mean it
"chocolate won't let you down" unless you eat tooooo much and it makes you fat....
"daydreaming is free" YAY!
"buy yourself flowers" that kind of defeats the point.
"climb high, climb far...your goal the sky, your aim, the stars" ME LIKEY! i think my high school math teacher had this on her wall. lol
TAHDAH! i DO love these promises but i thought of just adding my twist on it!
heads up!
i have plans for fun post i will post either tonight or tomorrow so BE READY. lol
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
yes i just posted but i am soooo happy that i now have music on here I HAD TO SHARE MY HAPPINESS WITH YOU! plus most of the songs on here always make me smile!! DOUBLE WIN
more robynisms
So as I was at work I had a VERY random epiphany!
In about ten years or so when I get married, if i marry someone with a last name that starts with a V and keep my current last name as my middle name my initials would be RCV! which if read BACKWARD =VCR!!!!!
it give me giggles inside! also if you cut out the C it would be RV! hehehehehe
or maybe if i find a fellah who suits my fancy who's last name is willy! because then i would be RC WILLY! HAHAHAHAHAHA! it gives me happiness.
although in reality i would keep my current middle name: Suzanne. because it's purrrrrrrrrty. but even with that I have funny abbreviations!
RS= RADIO SHACK! my brother has said before I should have people call me that. I am not so sure since I am not techy in ANY way. I have basically no technological knowledge so being called radio shack would be VERY ironic!
so....those were my random thoughts of the day. And if you say I am crazy for it, the gosh darn oh well!
In about ten years or so when I get married, if i marry someone with a last name that starts with a V and keep my current last name as my middle name my initials would be RCV! which if read BACKWARD =VCR!!!!!
it give me giggles inside! also if you cut out the C it would be RV! hehehehehe
or maybe if i find a fellah who suits my fancy who's last name is willy! because then i would be RC WILLY! HAHAHAHAHAHA! it gives me happiness.
although in reality i would keep my current middle name: Suzanne. because it's purrrrrrrrrty. but even with that I have funny abbreviations!
RS= RADIO SHACK! my brother has said before I should have people call me that. I am not so sure since I am not techy in ANY way. I have basically no technological knowledge so being called radio shack would be VERY ironic!
so....those were my random thoughts of the day. And if you say I am crazy for it, the gosh darn oh well!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
So there were elections a week ago for my county and seeing as I usually am at school in Idaho i am a voter by mail. no real voting experience. BUT SINCE I AM AT HOME I GOT EXCITED! I thought i would be able to feel the experience and *gasp* GET A STICKER!
I dutifully filled out my ballot and took it to the nearby polls. and what happened? THEY JUST HAD ME TURN IT IN! NO STICKER! NO ANYTHING! I feel gipped. this was my first REAL election and i have not even felt the experience. just WRONG.
they recommend college student to do vote by mail but they fail to tell you we do not get to feel the experience. just EVIL! no really. i want my sticker. it is a conspiracy gainst the vote by mail citizens! i can feel it!
I think maybe i should have made MY OWN STICKER. not really but it would be fun. although pointless since i went at like...6:30 pm
so yes. this is my frustration of no proof!
NOTE: In no way does this mean i am mad at the polls, government or voting system.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
i decided to CHALLENGE myself! which mean: i will refrain from wering pink for whole WEEK! starting sunday
HOWEVER: this does not count my shoes(becuase almost all of them are/have pink) my watch(becuase it IS pink) or my sweatshirt(becuase my warmest one is pink) IT DOES count:shirts, skirts, sock, acesories(including my beloved beanie) pants or my hair tie i wear on my wrist.
PS: i officially hate spiders. because one bit my lip and now my lip is atleast as thick as my pinky. NO BUENO
HOWEVER: this does not count my shoes(becuase almost all of them are/have pink) my watch(becuase it IS pink) or my sweatshirt(becuase my warmest one is pink) IT DOES count:shirts, skirts, sock, acesories(including my beloved beanie) pants or my hair tie i wear on my wrist.
PS: i officially hate spiders. because one bit my lip and now my lip is atleast as thick as my pinky. NO BUENO
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I blame tax season
So i realized I had not posted in almost a MONTH! So, I blame tax season. It has consumed my life pretty much. I mean do you know any other college freshman(besides my best friend/co-worker) that can say they have touched more tax returns in the past two months than the average person will in their WHOLE LIFE? yeah i didn't think so. I am awesome like that. I even have had dreams about printing labels wrong and everything being catastrophic because of that. lol
SO BESIDES THAT. We had a heat wave in good ole cali for a few weeks in THE MIDDLE OF FEBURARY! that's whats up SUCKERRRS. kay maybe not heat stroke but it was in the 70's. :P
TURKEYS VISITED WORK. it was exciting
I realized that those who feed you are those you sleep with. Atleast that is how it is with my cat. I feed her and she cuddles and sleeps with me :P
My magnet for much older and creepy guys started working again while at a church dance. It's a curse I swear. but on the bright side: I got asked to dance EVERY SLOW SONG! even the ladies choice song. hahahahaha it made me laugh.
I also got lost like...ten minutes from my house. lol i am SO directionally challenged
and that brings my recap to a close. remember: just becuase you seem to be a magnet for all the older creepers: ATLEAST YOUR A MAGNET FOR SOMETHING! hahahaha thats my motto for the next 15 minutes.
so yeah. I will try to remember more of my "funny" thoughts in the future.
SO BESIDES THAT. We had a heat wave in good ole cali for a few weeks in THE MIDDLE OF FEBURARY! that's whats up SUCKERRRS. kay maybe not heat stroke but it was in the 70's. :P
TURKEYS VISITED WORK. it was exciting
I realized that those who feed you are those you sleep with. Atleast that is how it is with my cat. I feed her and she cuddles and sleeps with me :P
My magnet for much older and creepy guys started working again while at a church dance. It's a curse I swear. but on the bright side: I got asked to dance EVERY SLOW SONG! even the ladies choice song. hahahahaha it made me laugh.
I also got lost like...ten minutes from my house. lol i am SO directionally challenged
and that brings my recap to a close. remember: just becuase you seem to be a magnet for all the older creepers: ATLEAST YOUR A MAGNET FOR SOMETHING! hahahaha thats my motto for the next 15 minutes.
so yeah. I will try to remember more of my "funny" thoughts in the future.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
being the boring office worker In a cubicle I am...The highlight of my past few days was when I got a trash can for my cubicle! I named her roaxanne becuase she's purrrrty. and it just suited her. so that is my highlight. getting a trash can! BUT IT IS SO EXCITING YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! The person I share a cubicle with, we also got a purple mouse pad, a pencil holder and a tape dispenser! although I still am the most excited about the trash can. I must say.
As a random after thought that has nothing to do with my beatuiful roxanne: yesterday I splurged and bought what I have been eyeing the past few months whenever I went grocery shopping at school : A PINEAPPLE, V8 FUSION JUICE, and gum that costs more than a dollar! I feel like i am living the HIGH LIFE! its very exciting for me. Plus it's better i bought my healthy snacks instead of the toll house cookies that were staring me in the face when I walked in the store. If they had voices i think they would have been screaming "ROBYN EAT ME EAT ME!" So I walked as fast as I could to the produce aisle. faster than you can say quidittch i did! ( i think i mispelled the holy word! i feel like a horrid HP fanatic)
So yeah: this is my exciting life now. where i get excited over trash cans. but for REALS IT IS EXCITING! I don't have to get up out of my chair to walk to another trash can just to throw away a wrapper or a crumpled up sticky note in a trash can like 8 feet away! it's a pain. so this is my tribute of happiness towards roaxanne. She's a beauty
so thats it for now.
As a random after thought that has nothing to do with my beatuiful roxanne: yesterday I splurged and bought what I have been eyeing the past few months whenever I went grocery shopping at school : A PINEAPPLE, V8 FUSION JUICE, and gum that costs more than a dollar! I feel like i am living the HIGH LIFE! its very exciting for me. Plus it's better i bought my healthy snacks instead of the toll house cookies that were staring me in the face when I walked in the store. If they had voices i think they would have been screaming "ROBYN EAT ME EAT ME!" So I walked as fast as I could to the produce aisle. faster than you can say quidittch i did! ( i think i mispelled the holy word! i feel like a horrid HP fanatic)
So yeah: this is my exciting life now. where i get excited over trash cans. but for REALS IT IS EXCITING! I don't have to get up out of my chair to walk to another trash can just to throw away a wrapper or a crumpled up sticky note in a trash can like 8 feet away! it's a pain. so this is my tribute of happiness towards roaxanne. She's a beauty
so thats it for now.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
So apparently I should do Stand Up?
I don't really understand why but my mom decided on wednesday that I should do stand up and just describe my day. Becuase apparently the way I describe things is hillarious. I guess so since she was laughing histerically when I was telling her about my trip to the DENTIST of all places. So here is the cyber version pretty much of what made her laugh so hard. If it's not as funny online I am sorry. But lets see.
So I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned on wednesday. Well actually I went on MONDAY first becuase they called to remind me and said it was on monday. I guess the person calling forgot that she and everyone else in the office had the day OFF (yay for them!) becuase it was MLK jr. day. so i showed up and there was NOBODY in sight except the lawn mower guy who apparently decided eating brunch on the curb and staring at me like I was an alien was much more interesting then mowing the lawn. Which is why I ended up going to the Dentist on WEDNESDAY!
Which brings us to part two of my experience! It turned out that my appointment was on tuseday but I did not know (OBVIOUSLY) so when I went to my new appointment on Wednesday I got a different dental hygenist than usual. Which in my opinion was cuase to give a silent HOORAY! becuase i always think of her as the mean blonde lady. Although frankly I can not blame her becuase I suck at flossing my teeth. This new lady I could tell usually works on children becuase I got to wear SHNAZZY SHNAZZY sunglasses to protect my eyes from the lamp! I also had everything explained to me as how i could take better care of my teeth. the HIGHLIGHT of the visit though was when I she gave me floride and I was able to choose from: MINT, CHERRY or (here's the biggy) MANGO! I usually get the nasty non flavored one and thats that. yipee skippy. so i guess that was my dentist experience. YIPEE
random thoughts:
I love socks. they are so snuggly on my feet! even better are FUZZY socks! my feet are in warm snuggly clouds! well for a few months untill I wear them to much and I have to give a sad funeral over the trash can for my no longer fuzzy socks :(
During the winter how much of what we THINK we see of people is just layers and layers of clothing? I mean I am hesitant to buy a new pair of pants during the winter becuase I am ALWAYS wearing long johns or leggings under my pants during the winter. they are a part of my skin! my poor leggies never see LIGHT in the winter! poor legs.
I LOVE COOKIES! that is all
so these are my VERY random thoughts and my trip to the dentist!
So I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned on wednesday. Well actually I went on MONDAY first becuase they called to remind me and said it was on monday. I guess the person calling forgot that she and everyone else in the office had the day OFF (yay for them!) becuase it was MLK jr. day. so i showed up and there was NOBODY in sight except the lawn mower guy who apparently decided eating brunch on the curb and staring at me like I was an alien was much more interesting then mowing the lawn. Which is why I ended up going to the Dentist on WEDNESDAY!
Which brings us to part two of my experience! It turned out that my appointment was on tuseday but I did not know (OBVIOUSLY) so when I went to my new appointment on Wednesday I got a different dental hygenist than usual. Which in my opinion was cuase to give a silent HOORAY! becuase i always think of her as the mean blonde lady. Although frankly I can not blame her becuase I suck at flossing my teeth. This new lady I could tell usually works on children becuase I got to wear SHNAZZY SHNAZZY sunglasses to protect my eyes from the lamp! I also had everything explained to me as how i could take better care of my teeth. the HIGHLIGHT of the visit though was when I she gave me floride and I was able to choose from: MINT, CHERRY or (here's the biggy) MANGO! I usually get the nasty non flavored one and thats that. yipee skippy. so i guess that was my dentist experience. YIPEE
random thoughts:
I love socks. they are so snuggly on my feet! even better are FUZZY socks! my feet are in warm snuggly clouds! well for a few months untill I wear them to much and I have to give a sad funeral over the trash can for my no longer fuzzy socks :(
During the winter how much of what we THINK we see of people is just layers and layers of clothing? I mean I am hesitant to buy a new pair of pants during the winter becuase I am ALWAYS wearing long johns or leggings under my pants during the winter. they are a part of my skin! my poor leggies never see LIGHT in the winter! poor legs.
I LOVE COOKIES! that is all
so these are my VERY random thoughts and my trip to the dentist!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
a weird hobby maybe?
I have decided I need to take up a new and possibly obscure hobby. If you know me well then you would know I love life to be random (sometimes) and a little on the strange side. Since I got home life has just been so...NORMAL. I just need some random hobby to spice things up a bit! maybe randomly dressing up into strange characters and walking around town to see what people would say. nothing rude or crude though. I do not like to ruin my reputation as "the innocent girl" here. plus I guess i am rather innocent and I LIKE it that way!
I KNOW! I love all things super hero maybe i will randomly dress up as some weird superhero just for kicks and GIGGLE! No clue what my super power would be. Maybe sneezing? I have been told I sneeze really loud. For real. The bishop once said "Bless you" to me over the pulpit one time because I sneezed so loud. Or maybe i could just talk people into boredom? beats me. lol. not that I actually want to FIGHT crime, it just sounds fun to dress like someone who would. bah this is what I get for watching "The incredibles" with my 2 year old cousin while baby sitting tonight. hahahaha! but seriously...I need a hobby. I am dying from NORMALCY. Which is weird because anyone who knows me knows my family is NOT normal. But that is it I m dying of normalcy. this is part of the reason I think I should hang a disco ball in my cubicle at work. partially. because it's out of the ordinary. And i love seeing peoples reactions when I suggest such an "AUDACITY" HAHAHAHAHA!
Okay I am going to bed now like a normal boring person would. peace out. and if you have any spectacular ideas SHARE THEM! tee hee
I KNOW! I love all things super hero maybe i will randomly dress up as some weird superhero just for kicks and GIGGLE! No clue what my super power would be. Maybe sneezing? I have been told I sneeze really loud. For real. The bishop once said "Bless you" to me over the pulpit one time because I sneezed so loud. Or maybe i could just talk people into boredom? beats me. lol. not that I actually want to FIGHT crime, it just sounds fun to dress like someone who would. bah this is what I get for watching "The incredibles" with my 2 year old cousin while baby sitting tonight. hahahaha! but seriously...I need a hobby. I am dying from NORMALCY. Which is weird because anyone who knows me knows my family is NOT normal. But that is it I m dying of normalcy. this is part of the reason I think I should hang a disco ball in my cubicle at work. partially. because it's out of the ordinary. And i love seeing peoples reactions when I suggest such an "AUDACITY" HAHAHAHAHA!
Okay I am going to bed now like a normal boring person would. peace out. and if you have any spectacular ideas SHARE THEM! tee hee
Thursday, January 6, 2011
random thoughts or "robyn-isms"
I have a gimp in my walk becuase my left leg decided to rebel against me or something. So I have decided that I will slowly yet surely start dressing up like an old lady!First it will start with a cane to help me with my gimp, but it will be a SHNAZZY cane! I am thinking maybe the head of the cane will look like the the bird on the marry poppins umbrella! it would be LEGIT if it could TALK to me as well! and then i will just start dressing like a old lady( but with style aka purple daisy button up shirts instead of granny sweaters. and neon elastic band pants) becuase i think it sounds cool
Apparently saying"BAM" while bearing your testimony at church and giving a thumbs up is crazy enough my mom said she wished she video taped it. Don't know\how i feel about that...
WARNING: If you are a generally pleasant teenager the second you show and "attitude" your mom will start giggling hysterically because she thinks it is funny to see you give her some "TUDE" which is a bit irking if you ask me. Funny bur it irks me
that is it for now so
Apparently saying"BAM" while bearing your testimony at church and giving a thumbs up is crazy enough my mom said she wished she video taped it. Don't know\how i feel about that...
WARNING: If you are a generally pleasant teenager the second you show and "attitude" your mom will start giggling hysterically because she thinks it is funny to see you give her some "TUDE" which is a bit irking if you ask me. Funny bur it irks me
that is it for now so
Monday, January 3, 2011
please stop acting like you understand what I am going through
this is my "serious post" AKA i am too dang lazy to dig my journal out of my boxes and write these thoughts here. Sorry it's not so fun and fluffy.
No one truly understands what people are going through-except for Jesus of course!
But I have recently put myself in a sucky position that is completely my fault but now I am not doing so great and the fact that people act like they know whats wrong exactly or that what I have been doing to fix said problem will magically fix it right away.
I WISH! So this is my serious post that no one truly understands what others are going through and when I try to explain to others how SERIOUS the problem is they all dismiss it like it is easily solved. It is not and this is why I tend to keep back info in this field sometimes because no one really listens. Now I am done with my "emo whiny teenager post" sorry you had to read it.
No one truly understands what people are going through-except for Jesus of course!
But I have recently put myself in a sucky position that is completely my fault but now I am not doing so great and the fact that people act like they know whats wrong exactly or that what I have been doing to fix said problem will magically fix it right away.
I WISH! So this is my serious post that no one truly understands what others are going through and when I try to explain to others how SERIOUS the problem is they all dismiss it like it is easily solved. It is not and this is why I tend to keep back info in this field sometimes because no one really listens. Now I am done with my "emo whiny teenager post" sorry you had to read it.
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