this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

more robynisms

So as I was at work I had a VERY random epiphany!
In about ten years or so when I get married, if i marry someone with a last name that starts with a V and keep my current last name as my middle name my initials would be RCV! which if read BACKWARD =VCR!!!!!
it give me giggles inside! also if you cut out the C it would be RV! hehehehehe
or maybe if i find a fellah who suits my fancy who's last name is willy! because then i would be RC WILLY!  HAHAHAHAHAHA! it gives me happiness.

although in reality i would keep my current middle name: Suzanne. because it's purrrrrrrrrty.  but even with that I have funny abbreviations!
RS= RADIO SHACK!  my brother has said before I should have people call me that. I am not so sure since I am not techy in ANY way.  I have basically no technological knowledge so being called radio shack would be VERY ironic!

so....those were my random thoughts of the day.  And if you say I am crazy for it, the gosh darn oh well!


  1. My initials (minus the middle name) are ET. Not sure if I love it, but that is what my middle name is good for!

  2. i like it! plus then you have an excuse for brad to put you in his bicycle basket! hehehe
