this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I might pretend to be a bush...

Sorry it has been a while, I just didn't have much to talk about. BUT I AM BACK BABY! WOOT  WOOT.
So for starters, finals were last week.  And as I waited in line to return my textbooks to the school (I rented) I was behind a very INTERESTING group of guys who were FANTASTIC to eavesdrop on. LIKE FOR REALS! I got my entertainment for the week listening to them.
My personal fave was this BIG GUY who was talking about how if he could, he would wear a beard allllll around campus, heck he does anyways even though it's against the rules!
Apparently, he even takes test's in the test center with a beard.
"I just go to the little asian chick and she see's me in my beard and is too scared to shove me away! IT'S MAGIC!"
Well dude, I am glad you can intimidate your way into the testing center.  You will go far in life.  Maybe for a career you should be the moster underneath kid's beds.  IMITATION STATION!  But really. Poor Asian chick, too scared to say no.  Or maybe she has the hots for him.  either way.
They then talked about how girls can never get ready for class in five minutes flat like them. That is when I wanted to shove in front of them and go "THAT'S WHERE YOU ARE WRONG! SUCKAHS! I got this outfit on and out the door in 3 minutes flat! NINJA!"  But really.  Silly boys

So now I am home, in the land of WARM-er.  My mom doesn't understand how I can go around without socks on.  It's the 60's outside! that's how.  I feel like I am in a SAUNA!  Where are the sun shades?  I mean really.
We had a family over for dinner last night, and the 7 year old asked me how old I am.  When I replied 20, his eyes got AS BIG AS SAUCERS and was all "shouldn't you be MARRIED by now?!" I wanted to laugh in his little face! But it took all my composure to keep a straight face.  Married at 20, yes and I have won the lottery and own a yacht.  Would you like to join me on my yacht? It will be nice and enjoyable and rich.

Who knows though, with the announcement of girls able to go on missions at the age of 19, I swear at least half my friends have turned in their mission papers or are planning on it.  Come April when I go back to school, a 20 year old who is NOT serving a mission? I WILL BE A RARE BREED!  One of 50!  The guys will act like they are on a exotic hunt! A hunt for single girls of appropriate dating age! Watch out ladies, you might find a hunter's net around you. RUNNNN! Unless he is cute, then maybe you should just power walk....
But seriously, maybe I should get some camouflage, NO FELLAHS CAN FIND ME NOW! I AM A PLANT! unless I want them to, but that is unlikely. ;)

Well that is all, I am still enjoying being happily bare foot in December. IT'S FANTASTIC! And I have new beanies! You know what I say about beanies, they are like a hug for your head!



  1. I should really take advantage of the shortage of girls and go up to BYU-I and find me a man. Maybe they won't even care that I'm elderly!
    And Robyn, I will join you on your yacht.

  2. silly girl. If you act like a bush you will stand out in the middle of the quad.
