So it has been a WHILE since I have posted anything. Sorry. I just haven't felt like I have anything of interest to share. Or anything that is funny anyways. But I have decided who cares if it is funny, I am going to post something ANYWAYS. Hopefully it will make you chuckle, and if not, well, I warned you.
So here are ten things that you may, or may not know about me that make me, well me with some of my interesting quirks.
10. I am afraid of the dark. I don't mean like don't turn out the light I am going to scream. It's more in the sense that sometimes when I walk into a dark room I suddenly imagine some gnarly looking man with scars all over his face who is wearing a trench coat and is waiting in a dark corner to stab me. yes, I keep imagining gnarly men with scars who will stab me. I also refuse to walk outside at night by myself, but that is just common sense if you ask me.
9.I hate odd numbers, except for the number 5. Odd numbers are just too wacky for me, when I was a little kid I got it into my hear they are evil and weird because it was hard for me to count up with odd numbers. Ever since then, I just dislike odd numbers. except for the number five, that's my lucky number.
8. I hate cats. Except my cat. I LOVE my cat! I love her so much I let her snuggle with me every night which can lead to her waking my up when she either crawls on top of my chest, or even better, my head. Yes, that has happened. The worst part? I am now growing to like other cats as well. I think she is possessing me with her kitty senses and making me like them or something...
7.I hate conforming to what society expect of people. I just don't understand why everyone acts a certain way just because you "shouldn't". Why can't I sleep in my jeans every night? I find them just as comfortable. Oh wait, it is not what you are supposed to do. same with sleeping in the same shirt I wore that day, apparently that is "gross", but you are sleeping so it's not like you should care! So, I wear mis matched socks every day just because we are not "supposed" to. Society is mean and I am going to break all the fashion rules I can without being naked, because that is just gross.
6. On that note, I hate naked bodies. And being naked. I do it as rarely as possible, which means only when I shower. Clothes were invented for a reason people! I don't want to see your buisness. Keep it to yourself, literally. The end.
5.Hats are great. I wear beanies all the time. I am wearing one right now! it's teal green and is very cozy. It's like a hug for your head!
4. although I very loudly say cliche's are stupid and all that, I, like everyone else, secretly want some of those cliche's to happen to them. You know, fall in love, get married, that sort of thing.
3.I suck at dancing, but when I am alone at home I like to spin like a ballerina over and over again. It's fun and it makes me feel elegant.
2. I always root for the "little guy" in movies and books. Which is why when I lost all sense and read twilight I rooted for Jacob and in the Hunger Games I rooted for gale. I root for the little guy. hte sad part? As soon as the little guy wins, I feel bad for the guy who didn't get the girl and am suddenly rooting for him. I am that swayable. I have issues.
2. I leave to go serve a mission for my church, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 23 days and will be serving in Wichita Kansas.
1. I am really terrified I will mess up my mission, that I will ruin peoples ideas of what my church is or be "too pushy" (which is how I tend to see the missionaries) but I am going and hope to spread the word of the Lord's church to people. :)
There you go, the not so secret life of Robyn. Peace out lovelies!
"Oh Robyn..."
College life, and my view on it. And everything else.
this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
barbie soap operas
Oh February, how fun you are. Not ONLY are there only 28 days in a months (which is just day thievery I mean I feel like there is a calendar thief out there who just decided to rob poor little February of two days because they found it humorous or something) but in this lovely month there is valentines day.
Any one who knows me well knows that I like to fight the cliche's and do my own thing. Which means that although I think valentine's day has it's PURPOSE, it still is rather over rated. Don't get me wrong, I still celebrate it. Just in my own way. Like I made a shoe box replica of the TARDIS with pictures of each of the 11 Doctors and some of my favorite companions and quotes and gave it to my best friend. Time travel? BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE. And every year I watch some kind of action movie of vday instead of romantic garble. I ended up watching Elementary, which despite my hard core BBC fan girl tendencies toward Sherlock, is actually pretty good.
Just remember my few valentines motto's if you are feeling lonely:
-Valentine's Day is not lonely...for a plant, because they are A-sexual. So if needed, go stand in a park near a tree and try to blend in.
-watch out for cupid, his arrows hurt.
-chocolate makes you sick. eat a banana instead. "never go to a party without a banana"
-if you didn't get flowers, it's okay they might have made you sneeze any ways. China knows they make me sneeze! No, seriously, I sneeze so loud that my family jokes China can hear me.
ps: this is not a rant of a bitter single girl. Not single, just m opinions on the day.
So, yay for February The other morning I got out to my car to find the car door completely frozen SHUT, which for California is COLD. I was late to work because of the dumb Ice! And then when I had to drive someone somewhere at 8:30, still an inch of ice on the windshield CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE! I don't know what she has against me, I don't smoke, I rarely drive anywhere and I like to recycle. Heck I don't even like the taste of beef. Just chicken. FEAR ME FEATHERED CHICKENS! But really. I love them. So, really, what does she have against me? Rude mother nature.
So these past few months I have been a nanny for two little girls. For their safety they will be child A, and child B. Let me just say, it has been interesting! Such as, just today child B and I went into the back yard and she decided that their fence was "swiper" (from the Dora kid show) and would tell him to stop swiping and then go poke him with a pricker ball! I tried to get her to stop pricking the fence with a pricker ball and stabbing it with a stick, so she dosen't think it's okay. She told me that the likes to poke "swiper" and see him bleed. I wonder if I should be worried that this little girl who loves to wear a tutu and put her hair in a "princess bun" also likes to stab an imaginary thieving fox and see him bleed. Seems a little frightening and sadistic.
Child A on the other hand, welcomes me into a soap opera world known as her barbies and how she plays with them! Not only do her barbies sometimes fly, or even better become flying mermaids (which isn't too weird, I did stuff like that too) but the dating lives of her barbies are more messed up than any tv show I have ever seen! and she is under the age of five! With two ken dolls and about 8 barbies, the ken doll will be with girlfriend(none of them have names, just girlfriend boyfriend, mommy, and sister) then tell her she stole his jacket and he is done with her, then ask her sister to be her girlfriend and that they need to plan their wedding! Then the new "girlfriend" breaks up with him because she likes the other ken doll better now and rides away from him on her pony, but too bad because that ken doll is with her daughter! tough luck let me tell ya. and to add to all of this, half of this soap opera includes me picking up the ken dolls and having them chase the poor barbie dolls around the house! (apparently they are flying or something) and all of this happens within about 3 minutes. Did I mention this? SHE IS THE FUTURE WRITE OF A SOAP OPERA! I SWEAR!
My personal favorite of this, is that I always have to make sure that I have hair ties with me when I go over to her house, because the barbies need to have their hair braided or put in pony tails. Which is all fine and dandy, I usually just take them back when I leave. However, my last hair tie just became a donation because it was busy clothing their poor ken doll in a paper towel toga-skirt! That's right, they have only one set of ken doll clothes, and I just couldn't handle having a naked ken doll courting barbies anymore. They deserve a more modest man. So he get's to rock it with his SUPER MANLY paper towel skirt held up by my fashionable blue hair tie. He rocks it. ;) Before my lovely donation, she would want to use one ken doll and go "oh no he's naked!" and have me put clothes on him before he can become the primary ken doll in our love mess going on. But to do that I would have to take the one set of clothes off the OTHER ken doll and leave the poor guy naked and discarded. to which she would go "oh no, now he is naked!" oh goodness. little girls. and the super CLASSY paper towel skirts their super playa ken dolls are subject to wear so they no longer date in their birthday suits. as trendy as some may find that.
on a completely un related note, I had a cat bite my beanie, bite my hood and also(on a different occasion she burrowed her head in my hair and licked my skull! it was wet. and made me cold.
Well time for me to go. my cat is suspiciously pretending to read my blog. quite unsettling ;)
PEACE! don't freeze yo tooshies off!
Any one who knows me well knows that I like to fight the cliche's and do my own thing. Which means that although I think valentine's day has it's PURPOSE, it still is rather over rated. Don't get me wrong, I still celebrate it. Just in my own way. Like I made a shoe box replica of the TARDIS with pictures of each of the 11 Doctors and some of my favorite companions and quotes and gave it to my best friend. Time travel? BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE. And every year I watch some kind of action movie of vday instead of romantic garble. I ended up watching Elementary, which despite my hard core BBC fan girl tendencies toward Sherlock, is actually pretty good.
Just remember my few valentines motto's if you are feeling lonely:
-Valentine's Day is not lonely...for a plant, because they are A-sexual. So if needed, go stand in a park near a tree and try to blend in.
-watch out for cupid, his arrows hurt.
-chocolate makes you sick. eat a banana instead. "never go to a party without a banana"
-if you didn't get flowers, it's okay they might have made you sneeze any ways. China knows they make me sneeze! No, seriously, I sneeze so loud that my family jokes China can hear me.
ps: this is not a rant of a bitter single girl. Not single, just m opinions on the day.
So, yay for February The other morning I got out to my car to find the car door completely frozen SHUT, which for California is COLD. I was late to work because of the dumb Ice! And then when I had to drive someone somewhere at 8:30, still an inch of ice on the windshield CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE! I don't know what she has against me, I don't smoke, I rarely drive anywhere and I like to recycle. Heck I don't even like the taste of beef. Just chicken. FEAR ME FEATHERED CHICKENS! But really. I love them. So, really, what does she have against me? Rude mother nature.
So these past few months I have been a nanny for two little girls. For their safety they will be child A, and child B. Let me just say, it has been interesting! Such as, just today child B and I went into the back yard and she decided that their fence was "swiper" (from the Dora kid show) and would tell him to stop swiping and then go poke him with a pricker ball! I tried to get her to stop pricking the fence with a pricker ball and stabbing it with a stick, so she dosen't think it's okay. She told me that the likes to poke "swiper" and see him bleed. I wonder if I should be worried that this little girl who loves to wear a tutu and put her hair in a "princess bun" also likes to stab an imaginary thieving fox and see him bleed. Seems a little frightening and sadistic.
Child A on the other hand, welcomes me into a soap opera world known as her barbies and how she plays with them! Not only do her barbies sometimes fly, or even better become flying mermaids (which isn't too weird, I did stuff like that too) but the dating lives of her barbies are more messed up than any tv show I have ever seen! and she is under the age of five! With two ken dolls and about 8 barbies, the ken doll will be with girlfriend(none of them have names, just girlfriend boyfriend, mommy, and sister) then tell her she stole his jacket and he is done with her, then ask her sister to be her girlfriend and that they need to plan their wedding! Then the new "girlfriend" breaks up with him because she likes the other ken doll better now and rides away from him on her pony, but too bad because that ken doll is with her daughter! tough luck let me tell ya. and to add to all of this, half of this soap opera includes me picking up the ken dolls and having them chase the poor barbie dolls around the house! (apparently they are flying or something) and all of this happens within about 3 minutes. Did I mention this? SHE IS THE FUTURE WRITE OF A SOAP OPERA! I SWEAR!
My personal favorite of this, is that I always have to make sure that I have hair ties with me when I go over to her house, because the barbies need to have their hair braided or put in pony tails. Which is all fine and dandy, I usually just take them back when I leave. However, my last hair tie just became a donation because it was busy clothing their poor ken doll in a paper towel toga-skirt! That's right, they have only one set of ken doll clothes, and I just couldn't handle having a naked ken doll courting barbies anymore. They deserve a more modest man. So he get's to rock it with his SUPER MANLY paper towel skirt held up by my fashionable blue hair tie. He rocks it. ;) Before my lovely donation, she would want to use one ken doll and go "oh no he's naked!" and have me put clothes on him before he can become the primary ken doll in our love mess going on. But to do that I would have to take the one set of clothes off the OTHER ken doll and leave the poor guy naked and discarded. to which she would go "oh no, now he is naked!" oh goodness. little girls. and the super CLASSY paper towel skirts their super playa ken dolls are subject to wear so they no longer date in their birthday suits. as trendy as some may find that.
on a completely un related note, I had a cat bite my beanie, bite my hood and also(on a different occasion she burrowed her head in my hair and licked my skull! it was wet. and made me cold.
Well time for me to go. my cat is suspiciously pretending to read my blog. quite unsettling ;)
PEACE! don't freeze yo tooshies off!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
I might pretend to be a bush...
Sorry it has been a while, I just didn't have much to talk about. BUT I AM BACK BABY! WOOT WOOT.
So for starters, finals were last week. And as I waited in line to return my textbooks to the school (I rented) I was behind a very INTERESTING group of guys who were FANTASTIC to eavesdrop on. LIKE FOR REALS! I got my entertainment for the week listening to them.
My personal fave was this BIG GUY who was talking about how if he could, he would wear a beard allllll around campus, heck he does anyways even though it's against the rules!
Apparently, he even takes test's in the test center with a beard.
"I just go to the little asian chick and she see's me in my beard and is too scared to shove me away! IT'S MAGIC!"
Well dude, I am glad you can intimidate your way into the testing center. You will go far in life. Maybe for a career you should be the moster underneath kid's beds. IMITATION STATION! But really. Poor Asian chick, too scared to say no. Or maybe she has the hots for him. either way.
They then talked about how girls can never get ready for class in five minutes flat like them. That is when I wanted to shove in front of them and go "THAT'S WHERE YOU ARE WRONG! SUCKAHS! I got this outfit on and out the door in 3 minutes flat! NINJA!" But really. Silly boys
So now I am home, in the land of WARM-er. My mom doesn't understand how I can go around without socks on. It's the 60's outside! that's how. I feel like I am in a SAUNA! Where are the sun shades? I mean really.
We had a family over for dinner last night, and the 7 year old asked me how old I am. When I replied 20, his eyes got AS BIG AS SAUCERS and was all "shouldn't you be MARRIED by now?!" I wanted to laugh in his little face! But it took all my composure to keep a straight face. Married at 20, yes and I have won the lottery and own a yacht. Would you like to join me on my yacht? It will be nice and enjoyable and rich.
Who knows though, with the announcement of girls able to go on missions at the age of 19, I swear at least half my friends have turned in their mission papers or are planning on it. Come April when I go back to school, a 20 year old who is NOT serving a mission? I WILL BE A RARE BREED! One of 50! The guys will act like they are on a exotic hunt! A hunt for single girls of appropriate dating age! Watch out ladies, you might find a hunter's net around you. RUNNNN! Unless he is cute, then maybe you should just power walk....
But seriously, maybe I should get some camouflage, NO FELLAHS CAN FIND ME NOW! I AM A PLANT! unless I want them to, but that is unlikely. ;)
Well that is all, I am still enjoying being happily bare foot in December. IT'S FANTASTIC! And I have new beanies! You know what I say about beanies, they are like a hug for your head!
So for starters, finals were last week. And as I waited in line to return my textbooks to the school (I rented) I was behind a very INTERESTING group of guys who were FANTASTIC to eavesdrop on. LIKE FOR REALS! I got my entertainment for the week listening to them.
My personal fave was this BIG GUY who was talking about how if he could, he would wear a beard allllll around campus, heck he does anyways even though it's against the rules!
Apparently, he even takes test's in the test center with a beard.
"I just go to the little asian chick and she see's me in my beard and is too scared to shove me away! IT'S MAGIC!"
Well dude, I am glad you can intimidate your way into the testing center. You will go far in life. Maybe for a career you should be the moster underneath kid's beds. IMITATION STATION! But really. Poor Asian chick, too scared to say no. Or maybe she has the hots for him. either way.
They then talked about how girls can never get ready for class in five minutes flat like them. That is when I wanted to shove in front of them and go "THAT'S WHERE YOU ARE WRONG! SUCKAHS! I got this outfit on and out the door in 3 minutes flat! NINJA!" But really. Silly boys
So now I am home, in the land of WARM-er. My mom doesn't understand how I can go around without socks on. It's the 60's outside! that's how. I feel like I am in a SAUNA! Where are the sun shades? I mean really.
We had a family over for dinner last night, and the 7 year old asked me how old I am. When I replied 20, his eyes got AS BIG AS SAUCERS and was all "shouldn't you be MARRIED by now?!" I wanted to laugh in his little face! But it took all my composure to keep a straight face. Married at 20, yes and I have won the lottery and own a yacht. Would you like to join me on my yacht? It will be nice and enjoyable and rich.
Who knows though, with the announcement of girls able to go on missions at the age of 19, I swear at least half my friends have turned in their mission papers or are planning on it. Come April when I go back to school, a 20 year old who is NOT serving a mission? I WILL BE A RARE BREED! One of 50! The guys will act like they are on a exotic hunt! A hunt for single girls of appropriate dating age! Watch out ladies, you might find a hunter's net around you. RUNNNN! Unless he is cute, then maybe you should just power walk....
But seriously, maybe I should get some camouflage, NO FELLAHS CAN FIND ME NOW! I AM A PLANT! unless I want them to, but that is unlikely. ;)
Well that is all, I am still enjoying being happily bare foot in December. IT'S FANTASTIC! And I have new beanies! You know what I say about beanies, they are like a hug for your head!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
time to run barefoot!
SUMMER! BAREFOOT SEASON! Or even flip flops. But I would rather go barefoot. Although for me it never feels like summer until about July 20th or so because I am still in school. It feels like perpetual April, so when I hear about how people are graduating and enjoying Summer it always confuses me because I forget it actually IS summer. However, it really is summer now! HUZZAH!
It is good to get away from the clutches of rexburg for a while. the land of show and tell it feels like. And what are people showing and telling about? Who they are dating! I don't really mind, it's just kind of obnoxious. The sidewalk is like a runway where they drag there special someone with them and nothing can split them up. Literally. I once had to jump in the bushes because a couple wouldn't make room for me on the sidewalk and/or separate. gotta love rexburg show and tell. I think I preferred when we were in preschool and show and tell consisted of the cool toy uncle Jimmy brought us and our new teddy bears. Unless you consider boyfriends teddy bears. ;)
Now that I am home for a few weeks I have had a few adventures:
well there is so much more that has happened but that is what I am sharing now. Sorry I never write anything anymore I just... procrastinate to well. I shall procrastinate some more...tomorrow.
YAY SUMMER! (I finally got a tan and I am still whiter than everyone else. As long as no one says I look like a vampire ever again I am happy)
PEACE! run through the streets bare foot and be awesome!
It is good to get away from the clutches of rexburg for a while. the land of show and tell it feels like. And what are people showing and telling about? Who they are dating! I don't really mind, it's just kind of obnoxious. The sidewalk is like a runway where they drag there special someone with them and nothing can split them up. Literally. I once had to jump in the bushes because a couple wouldn't make room for me on the sidewalk and/or separate. gotta love rexburg show and tell. I think I preferred when we were in preschool and show and tell consisted of the cool toy uncle Jimmy brought us and our new teddy bears. Unless you consider boyfriends teddy bears. ;)
Now that I am home for a few weeks I have had a few adventures:
- I got second degree burns from my truck key, talk about unlocking a whole new temperature!
- I went to the beach with my friends and took a nap on the beach. While one of my friends had tons of sand collapse on him and make it so he couldn't breathe. OOPS. Dear fate: when I say I can literally sleep through tragedies- I don't actually WANT to sleep through them! there are pictures of them all trying to pull him out of the sand...and me just lying in the background. Talk about an action packed nap!
- I have been curling my hair so much that several people are shocked that I have natrually straight hair. I FOOLED YA SUCKAHS!
- I finally met someone who also pronounces "here" and "herrrr". It made my day. I also met another person who walks up to people and says "what's cookin' good looking?" As excited that there are OTHERS I am sad to no longer be my own entity.
- I BECAME AN AUNT! no witty comment to that. I just felt like sharing. Because it is purty AWESOME if I may say so myself.
- I have started calling the Tylenol I always carry in my purse my happy pills. I am curious to see the looks strangers will give me. Should be entertaining
- I saw a guy wanderin around a parking lot on those weird nerd things where it's a platform you stand on with two big wheels? He had some super awesome wheels- all security guards should ride in style like that. I am not making fun of him- I mean it. Because it gives me joy.
- I have fell back in love with books. I fell out of love for a little bit. My poor babies. Also when I referred to my books as my babies- a woman thought I meant that I HAD BABIES! HAHAHA! No. Just of the book variety. As long as my books don't become the forests of the vashta nerrada I will forever call them my babies.
- Fruit is fantastic
- I fell out of love whit sugar. Just the thought of it disgusts me. No clue why. But I guess I will be eating healthier now
- I almost DIED on my way to winco one day just to buy some lettuce! Not really...I was just getting the hang of the stick. However it is a good tragedy to tell. Until I get into the details. Oops.
well there is so much more that has happened but that is what I am sharing now. Sorry I never write anything anymore I just... procrastinate to well. I shall procrastinate some more...tomorrow.
YAY SUMMER! (I finally got a tan and I am still whiter than everyone else. As long as no one says I look like a vampire ever again I am happy)
PEACE! run through the streets bare foot and be awesome!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
killed with love...LITERALLY!
So first off I would like to say that my lovely room mate read my last post and she approves. HUZZAH! I can do a lil dance now! Except this couch is kindaaa comfy. SO just in my head. BUT she decided my blog should be called write down comedy! Bahahaha I like it. Almost as much as I like pillows. But they provide a nice little cloud around my head while I dream about dragons and people trying to eat me (that legitamately was a dream of mine once...super weird). So pillows win. For now.
Next order of business(bahahaha I feel like I am in some kind of student government meeting when I say that. Worst 4 years of my life): I had a birthday recently! I will let you wonder when it was. The mystery is always so intruiging. Just look at Nancy Drew. People devour them bookies. As for my age..let's say I am 99. A very young 99. What can I say...I age magnificently. ;) (the vaugeness is for my fans in russia and germany...that's just a lil too weird for me...)
but I had a birthday...YAY! Twas super fantastic. Here are some highlights/my thoughts on the whole dealio.
1. A day where people are nice to me? FOR THE WIN! Although it made me kind of worried because people said they were laughing at my jokes because it was my birthday. PSHHH LIES! Atleast thats what I tell myself. hahahaha
2.HALF the items people were so kind as to give me we AVENGERS STUFF! And the other half were really girly like unicorn crayons and a fairy coloring book. I am such a mish mosh personality I wonder how I function. Must be a superb personality or SOMETHING
3. The one time a year you hear from certain people who post on your face book wall is your birthday. I mean a kid who I BARELY talked to in high school two years ago wishing me happy birthday? Awesome but kinda wierd. It just amkes me giggle that birthdays are the one acception to talk to that one person you didnt like or even would know what they looked like if not for fb. BIRTHDAYS the magical okay to say hi day. BAHAHAHAHA. But for reals.
4. If you want to find out who the talented and horrendous singers are just say it's your birthday and they will most likely sing to you. go on...try it. it's a very interesting test and not at all fool proof. but the results should make you giggle :)
5.Room mates rock. More than Duane the Rohnson. and that guy has some awesome muscles if i may say so ;)
6. Sometimes people can kill something with love. Literally. I got SO MANY text messages with people wishing my happeh burfday that my phone overloaded and died. I got a new phone today and it's like 5 years ago ghetto. I hate it. So you totally can kill something with love. I learned that. lol
7. it's so much more fun to say burfday instead of birthday. Just be careful you don't accidentally spel barfday. because that is not a happy day..a very UNFORTUNATE day to be honest.
I want a cookie. And to a horse pony to "ride" around town screaming "RIDE UM COWBOY!" and "FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN!" People would look at me funny but only because they would be jealous of my magnificent steed. maybe if i break out my piggy bank i can even get cocconut halves and have someone behind me clickity clacking them to make hourse hoove noises. i would love that.
I woke up late today and dressed way less fancier than usual. Well the test has been done:was totally treated diffrently than when I am dressed all girly and actually comb my hair. I always wondered if I would be. Interesting to know. hahahaha
Tests are stupid.
I love wind. I don't care whateveryone says it's like mother natures is surrounding me in a nice cool bubble while whipping my hair back and forth. But not at all like how Willow smith does it. Way cooler. Don't ask me how it's cooler. It just is. Maybe because I am older than 15. hahahahaha
kay that's it. for now. stay cool. or warm. I am going to get a snack and have a random dance party while my room mates are sleeping. I just outed myself. oops.
Next order of business(bahahaha I feel like I am in some kind of student government meeting when I say that. Worst 4 years of my life): I had a birthday recently! I will let you wonder when it was. The mystery is always so intruiging. Just look at Nancy Drew. People devour them bookies. As for my age..let's say I am 99. A very young 99. What can I say...I age magnificently. ;) (the vaugeness is for my fans in russia and germany...that's just a lil too weird for me...)
but I had a birthday...YAY! Twas super fantastic. Here are some highlights/my thoughts on the whole dealio.
1. A day where people are nice to me? FOR THE WIN! Although it made me kind of worried because people said they were laughing at my jokes because it was my birthday. PSHHH LIES! Atleast thats what I tell myself. hahahaha
2.HALF the items people were so kind as to give me we AVENGERS STUFF! And the other half were really girly like unicorn crayons and a fairy coloring book. I am such a mish mosh personality I wonder how I function. Must be a superb personality or SOMETHING
3. The one time a year you hear from certain people who post on your face book wall is your birthday. I mean a kid who I BARELY talked to in high school two years ago wishing me happy birthday? Awesome but kinda wierd. It just amkes me giggle that birthdays are the one acception to talk to that one person you didnt like or even would know what they looked like if not for fb. BIRTHDAYS the magical okay to say hi day. BAHAHAHAHA. But for reals.
4. If you want to find out who the talented and horrendous singers are just say it's your birthday and they will most likely sing to you. go on...try it. it's a very interesting test and not at all fool proof. but the results should make you giggle :)
5.Room mates rock. More than Duane the Rohnson. and that guy has some awesome muscles if i may say so ;)
6. Sometimes people can kill something with love. Literally. I got SO MANY text messages with people wishing my happeh burfday that my phone overloaded and died. I got a new phone today and it's like 5 years ago ghetto. I hate it. So you totally can kill something with love. I learned that. lol
7. it's so much more fun to say burfday instead of birthday. Just be careful you don't accidentally spel barfday. because that is not a happy day..a very UNFORTUNATE day to be honest.
I want a cookie. And to a horse pony to "ride" around town screaming "RIDE UM COWBOY!" and "FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN!" People would look at me funny but only because they would be jealous of my magnificent steed. maybe if i break out my piggy bank i can even get cocconut halves and have someone behind me clickity clacking them to make hourse hoove noises. i would love that.
I woke up late today and dressed way less fancier than usual. Well the test has been done:was totally treated diffrently than when I am dressed all girly and actually comb my hair. I always wondered if I would be. Interesting to know. hahahaha
Tests are stupid.
I love wind. I don't care whateveryone says it's like mother natures is surrounding me in a nice cool bubble while whipping my hair back and forth. But not at all like how Willow smith does it. Way cooler. Don't ask me how it's cooler. It just is. Maybe because I am older than 15. hahahahaha
kay that's it. for now. stay cool. or warm. I am going to get a snack and have a random dance party while my room mates are sleeping. I just outed myself. oops.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
insert title here
So today I went to some stand up of one of my favorite comedians: Bill Cosby. Now what he talked about...that's for people who went there to know. HOWEVER I would like to share the experience if I may. (even if it's june. tee hee)
So I went by myself because I could only get a good seat if i bought one lonely ticket. Which was worth it don't get me wrong but surprise surprise...i was between two awkward couples. And by awkward I just mean it's awkward for me because I get to sit next to them. Now granted one of them I wasn't sitting directly next to. There was a girl in between us who I happen to know but for some reason she acted like she did not know me. However even if there was a human buffer...they were still in my line sight of the show because i had to turn my head to the side to look at the stage. I swear the dude kept staring at me wondering why I was looking at him! Which is silly cuz his head was in the way of my sight! However even if i was in awkard land I kind of want to say I TOLD YOU SO because no one believed me when I said i would probably end up between couples. And I did. Back rubbing couples. Now that's just rubbing it in....literally. :D
Now after the show I had to make a pit stop before heading home (if ya know what I mean) and on my way there I over heard a guy who asked "So wait...Bill Cosby was the guy who did Fat Albert right?" If I was not on a MISSION at the moment I was seriously tempted to stop and say "uh..why are you here again?" It just made me laugh that a guy didn't know. And want to steal his ticket he just used so I would not be alone!
After said pit stop...I have decided that was the smartest decision EVER made because what was once busier than Disney land was as empty as..well most likely as empty as all of rexburg was DURING the show. But it was so nice and empty I could skipity doo dah on home! Thank you mother nature for making that possible! but seriously.
so on to other news:
On friday a good friend of mine and I decided to walk to the park. Little did we know that soon we would be sprinting through sprinklers with me screaming " FOR SPARTAAAAA!" I don't think that a girl in hot pink tights, blue shorts and a neon shirt is all too intimidating...but who knows maybe I scared a few insects or something.
I woke up late this morning and threw on sandals forgetting that it had been super cold lately. To say the least my feet have gone on a vacation to Alaska this morning and it was not very pleasant. I hope next time they end up in the Bahamas and maybe even take me with them.
So girl I have never talked to before passed me a note in one of my classes complementing my laugh. I don't know why since it sounds like a cross between a bleating lamb and a quacking duck. But for some reason my hybrid Dueep laugh is favored in her eyes. I'LL TAKE IT!
I have decided that sandals are the equivalent of freedom. I like freedom. And naps. And fruit.
So those are the latest stories I can think of that are not too shocking. Have a fantastic Wednesday and don't get too sad like I just did because I almost said have a happy Thursday. I wish it were Thursday. PEACE PARTY OR NON PARTY PEEPS
So I went by myself because I could only get a good seat if i bought one lonely ticket. Which was worth it don't get me wrong but surprise surprise...i was between two awkward couples. And by awkward I just mean it's awkward for me because I get to sit next to them. Now granted one of them I wasn't sitting directly next to. There was a girl in between us who I happen to know but for some reason she acted like she did not know me. However even if there was a human buffer...they were still in my line sight of the show because i had to turn my head to the side to look at the stage. I swear the dude kept staring at me wondering why I was looking at him! Which is silly cuz his head was in the way of my sight! However even if i was in awkard land I kind of want to say I TOLD YOU SO because no one believed me when I said i would probably end up between couples. And I did. Back rubbing couples. Now that's just rubbing it in....literally. :D
Now after the show I had to make a pit stop before heading home (if ya know what I mean) and on my way there I over heard a guy who asked "So wait...Bill Cosby was the guy who did Fat Albert right?" If I was not on a MISSION at the moment I was seriously tempted to stop and say "uh..why are you here again?" It just made me laugh that a guy didn't know. And want to steal his ticket he just used so I would not be alone!
After said pit stop...I have decided that was the smartest decision EVER made because what was once busier than Disney land was as empty as..well most likely as empty as all of rexburg was DURING the show. But it was so nice and empty I could skipity doo dah on home! Thank you mother nature for making that possible! but seriously.
so on to other news:
On friday a good friend of mine and I decided to walk to the park. Little did we know that soon we would be sprinting through sprinklers with me screaming " FOR SPARTAAAAA!" I don't think that a girl in hot pink tights, blue shorts and a neon shirt is all too intimidating...but who knows maybe I scared a few insects or something.
I woke up late this morning and threw on sandals forgetting that it had been super cold lately. To say the least my feet have gone on a vacation to Alaska this morning and it was not very pleasant. I hope next time they end up in the Bahamas and maybe even take me with them.
So girl I have never talked to before passed me a note in one of my classes complementing my laugh. I don't know why since it sounds like a cross between a bleating lamb and a quacking duck. But for some reason my hybrid Dueep laugh is favored in her eyes. I'LL TAKE IT!
I have decided that sandals are the equivalent of freedom. I like freedom. And naps. And fruit.
So those are the latest stories I can think of that are not too shocking. Have a fantastic Wednesday and don't get too sad like I just did because I almost said have a happy Thursday. I wish it were Thursday. PEACE PARTY OR NON PARTY PEEPS
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
I have been on mars! shhhhhh it's a secret!
Okay, so I have not posted in FIVE MONTHS! Yeah, I am as lame as snails are without their shells. Life has just...been busy. Feel free to stick your tongue out at the computer screen right now. I wouldn't blame ya! HOWEVER: most likely no one has even noticed my blog's absence. That's okay too. I will just cry in private. Like SUPER private, aka inside my heart.
SO I will just give a summary of some of the last few months and the Robyn take. :P
I met an awesome person who does crazy things with me! YAY we can break out of the insane assylum together! and's not a man. I am as hans solo as ever.
I learned what it's like to have cows blocking your way on a path...IT'S SUPER ANNOYING! My friends and I were hiking late at night and like 15 lady cows were just chillin on the path. After making very loud MOOOOOO-ve noise they begrudgingly moved off the path. While giving us a look as stanky as the manure we kept tip toeing over.
I played minute to win it and one of the games you had to shake ping pong balls out of a box tied around your waist and hanging off your BOOTAY! can I just say: I KNOW HOW TO SHAKE WHAT MAH MOMMA GAVE ME! they were outta there in three seconds! If that aint serious jumping and shake-shake-shake-shake a shake it power I dunno what it is!
I finally realized why I love to stick my hands in my back pockets! I CAN SAY I GRABBED BOOTAY THAT DAY! no one needs to know it was mine I grabbed....
the avengers...WAS AWESOME! I was practically drooling the entire movie! I mean guys in tights..every girls dream! COME ON! But in all honesty..I LOVED IT!
Me and one of the most amazing ladies on this earth blew off steam by driving up into the sierras, dumping soda out of a cup and replacing it with snow and then driving home. which is ironic if you think about it because we were blowing off steam by colecting one of the least steamy things possible: SNOW
I have revisited my love of blanket forts. I may be twice the size of the normal type of people who make them (children) BUT WHO GIVES A CRUD MONKEY! I am child at heart! plus having a blanket fort take over my living room gives me giddy joy that makes me wanna dance
I was at a dance and some random dude came up to me and was all "you have good dance moves. can I have your number?" BUWAHAHAHAHA! First of all: I LOVE to dance but I have TERRIBLE moves and second of all: I gave it to him and he never called me. Darn.
I am back at school! YAY! sorta. bahaha! at least it is void of ice now So i won't be falling on my tooshee for a while.
I accidentally sat on my banana. AND I STILL ATE IT! you know you wish you were as cool as me.
OUR BATHROOM VENT STARTED LEAKING! So folks, the fact that we have had barely any rain this year, it's okay my bathroom has you covered because it was RAINING IN THERE!
Some random girl who is apparently in a class with me came up to me and said she loves my comments in class and that I am super funny. so to the random girl i would like to say THANK YOU!
That is all for now. I want peaches. They sound delish. Enjoy your hump day. or as I call it: CAMEL DAY! they have humps.
SO I will just give a summary of some of the last few months and the Robyn take. :P
I met an awesome person who does crazy things with me! YAY we can break out of the insane assylum together! and's not a man. I am as hans solo as ever.
I learned what it's like to have cows blocking your way on a path...IT'S SUPER ANNOYING! My friends and I were hiking late at night and like 15 lady cows were just chillin on the path. After making very loud MOOOOOO-ve noise they begrudgingly moved off the path. While giving us a look as stanky as the manure we kept tip toeing over.
I played minute to win it and one of the games you had to shake ping pong balls out of a box tied around your waist and hanging off your BOOTAY! can I just say: I KNOW HOW TO SHAKE WHAT MAH MOMMA GAVE ME! they were outta there in three seconds! If that aint serious jumping and shake-shake-shake-shake a shake it power I dunno what it is!
I finally realized why I love to stick my hands in my back pockets! I CAN SAY I GRABBED BOOTAY THAT DAY! no one needs to know it was mine I grabbed....
the avengers...WAS AWESOME! I was practically drooling the entire movie! I mean guys in tights..every girls dream! COME ON! But in all honesty..I LOVED IT!
Me and one of the most amazing ladies on this earth blew off steam by driving up into the sierras, dumping soda out of a cup and replacing it with snow and then driving home. which is ironic if you think about it because we were blowing off steam by colecting one of the least steamy things possible: SNOW
I have revisited my love of blanket forts. I may be twice the size of the normal type of people who make them (children) BUT WHO GIVES A CRUD MONKEY! I am child at heart! plus having a blanket fort take over my living room gives me giddy joy that makes me wanna dance
I was at a dance and some random dude came up to me and was all "you have good dance moves. can I have your number?" BUWAHAHAHAHA! First of all: I LOVE to dance but I have TERRIBLE moves and second of all: I gave it to him and he never called me. Darn.
I am back at school! YAY! sorta. bahaha! at least it is void of ice now So i won't be falling on my tooshee for a while.
I accidentally sat on my banana. AND I STILL ATE IT! you know you wish you were as cool as me.
OUR BATHROOM VENT STARTED LEAKING! So folks, the fact that we have had barely any rain this year, it's okay my bathroom has you covered because it was RAINING IN THERE!
Some random girl who is apparently in a class with me came up to me and said she loves my comments in class and that I am super funny. so to the random girl i would like to say THANK YOU!
That is all for now. I want peaches. They sound delish. Enjoy your hump day. or as I call it: CAMEL DAY! they have humps.
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