this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I have been on mars! shhhhhh it's a secret!

Okay, so I have not posted in FIVE MONTHS! Yeah, I am as lame as snails are without their shells. Life has just...been busy.  Feel free to stick your tongue out at the computer screen right now. I wouldn't blame ya! HOWEVER: most likely no one has even noticed my blog's absence. That's okay too. I will just cry in private. Like SUPER private, aka inside my heart.

SO I will just give a summary of some of the last few months and the Robyn take. :P

I met an awesome person who does crazy things with me! YAY we can break out of the insane assylum together! and's not a man. I am as hans solo as ever.

I learned what it's like to have cows blocking your way on a path...IT'S SUPER ANNOYING! My friends and I were hiking late at night and like 15 lady cows were just chillin on the path. After making very loud MOOOOOO-ve noise they begrudgingly moved off the path. While giving us a look as stanky as the manure we kept tip toeing over.

I played minute to win it and one of the games you had to shake ping pong balls out of a box tied around your waist and hanging off your BOOTAY! can I just say: I KNOW HOW TO SHAKE WHAT MAH MOMMA GAVE ME! they were outta there in three seconds! If that aint serious jumping and shake-shake-shake-shake a shake it power I dunno what it is!

I finally realized why I love to stick my hands in my back pockets! I CAN SAY I GRABBED BOOTAY THAT DAY! no one needs to know it was mine I grabbed....

the avengers...WAS AWESOME! I was practically drooling the entire movie! I mean guys in tights..every girls dream! COME ON! But in all honesty..I LOVED IT!

Me and one of the most amazing ladies on this earth blew off steam by driving up into the sierras, dumping soda out of a cup and replacing it with snow and then driving home.  which is ironic if you think about it because we were blowing off steam by colecting one of the least steamy things possible: SNOW

I have revisited my love of blanket forts. I may be twice the size of the normal type of people who make them (children) BUT WHO GIVES A CRUD MONKEY! I am child at heart! plus having a blanket fort take over my living room gives me giddy joy that makes me wanna dance

I was at a dance and some random dude came up to me and was all "you have good dance moves. can I have your number?" BUWAHAHAHAHA! First of all: I LOVE to dance but I have TERRIBLE moves and second of all: I gave it to him and he never called me. Darn.

I am back at school! YAY! sorta. bahaha! at least it is void of ice now So i won't be falling on my tooshee for a while.

I accidentally sat on my banana. AND I STILL ATE IT! you know you wish you were as cool as me.

OUR BATHROOM VENT STARTED LEAKING! So folks, the fact that we have had barely any rain this year, it's okay my bathroom has you covered because it was RAINING IN THERE!

Some random girl who is apparently in a class with me came up to me and said she loves my comments in class and that I am super funny. so to the random girl i would like to say THANK YOU!

That is all for now. I want peaches. They sound delish.  Enjoy your hump day. or as I call it: CAMEL DAY! they have humps.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed your absense. You have some of the funniest stories my dear but I'm glad you are so good at laughing!
