this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Sunday, January 8, 2012

christmas and new years..woot woot

So I went out of the country for the first time since i was 3 over Christmas!
Here are some of the conclusions I have made over my travels:

  • Passport pictures are like driver's licenses. they are normally awkward and ugly.  At least in my passport pic I don't look like an axe murderer.  Because I do in my driver's license picture.
  • The Caribbean is very warm in December.  I think I might build a raft and live there for the rest of my life.  However, I don't think that would work considering we cam across a raft full of cubans just mindin their own beezness and we had the odacity to try and rescue them.  how dare our ship try to rescue them right?
  • People always look at you funny when You announce you have a peeling sunburn in January.  
  • Apparently telling the people in third worl countries you are honestly are broke still does not deter them from trying to sell you anything from rocks the dresses. dag nabbit.  Although I can't really blame them.
Those are some of my observations about other countries.  Not very exciting I am afraid.  I am however VERY excited that it is a new year! Why? Because it is an even numbered year! All odd numbers except for the number five or multiples of five just IRK me.  Don't ask me why.  they just do.  So that excites me SO MUCH!
I also am glad to be home for a lil bit and to be near my animals.  The only problem is my cat feels the need to stick her rear end in MYFACE!  I mean at first she was laying on my chest, which was uncomfortable but bear able but then she felt the need to stand and center herself.  With her hid quarters facin the money maker!  No matter how many times I would try to repostition her legs she likes to keep them right infront of my face.  As much as I love the attention...she touches the litter box with that end!  NO THANK YOU!  KEEP YOU KITTY REAR TO YOUR LITTER BOX! hahahaha lol.

Beyond that, it's n ice to be home.  Usually when I am home I have NO social life because no one ever makes time for me.  So far that has not been a problem.  I am waiting to see how long it is before reality kicks in.  Oh and I am back at worky work! The only problem is I can not remember what I named half the stuff a YEAR ago. 

that is the end of my late night writings for today. have a fantastic night and go hug some body right NOW. Hugs make the world go round.

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