this blog is not about this birdie.

this blog is not about this birdie.
this blog is not about this birdie

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Kay so we are supposed to write eulogies for my english class and thought i would share.  KEEP IN MIND I DO NOT THINK THIS FOND OF MYSELF!  But it is supposed to be for a funeral and they always say how awesome people are.  Not to mention I hope to leave behind this kind of legacy.  ENJOY. ( i do not plan on doing half of these thing for real in my lifetime)

.Today we gather here today to mourn the death of one of the liveliest 75 year olds any of us knew.  However, I know Robyn wouldn’t have wanted us to mourn her death.  She was all about celebrating life and living it to the fullest.  She left this world having a party and she would want us to celebrate her life in a party like manner.  She was one of the quirkiest, craziest, most colorful people I know. 
            A few fun facts about Robyn: she was born in a car, broke both her legs at the age of two, loved to make people laugh, and was obsessed with the color pink.  On her 21st birthday she had her brother take her two a bar where she then ordered a root beer! (She had been planning that since high school).  When she was 25 she back packed around Europe and went to all the museums she ever dreamt of.  When she was in England there was a guy who worked at their hotel who refused to admit they had made a reservation.  She could not stand that fact so she went up to that guy and demanded that he look at his records in the computer closer, but he still refused.  So she got her face real close to his and had a staring contest with him until he gave in!  When he looked closer in the computer, as she said it “the snotty Britt had to realize too much crumpets and tea had made him forget how to check things correctly because our name was RIGHT there!”.  As I have heard it she then yelled for hooray so loud that they heard her in china.
That was Robyn.  Over the past ten years she decided she was going to be a dare devil granny!  She said she wanted to be heard hollering in excitement as she whizzed past 20 year nothings (as she called them) on a zip line and have then look at her surprised when they saw a 65 year old lady in a hot pink jump suit in better shape then them!  She went on numerous zip lines, bungee jumping, and rock climbing and cave spelunking.  She lso went on a long trip in the Amazon with her lifelong friend Elizabeth bond where they drove off a cliff but had parachutes that saved their lives!  Some how they didn’t even end up in the intensive care unit of the hospital, just the basic care.  Her last dare devil achievement she wanted was to go sky diving.  She claimed that once that happened she would go join a knitting club and make crumbly cookies like the rest of the ladies her age!  Of course once she went sky diving along side with a buddy it was not enough and she had to be certified to do it by herself.  That was when she died.  Her last test she was so excited her heart gave out while she was flying through the air “like super man!” as she would have put it.
When you look at an over view of her life all you see is a woman who graduated from BYU Idaho with a bachelor’s degree in recreation management, served a mission at age 21 and got married.  She then became an activities planner at a senior citizen’s center and had three kids.  She retired at age 65 and became a volunteer for the pro life organization. She loved her mom who was her inspiration and always told people” you are my hero number three after Jesus and my mom”.  She loved all three of her siblings and dad as well.  She left behind a husband and three kids. She was more than that though.  Not only was she a loving mom who could make funny voices and we all thought should do stand up for years, she was a fantastic person who let the lord’s light shine through her. And now we will play the song she has requested to be played at her funeral since she was in high school. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”\
by robyn cramer

Thursday, April 21, 2011


back at the ole college. ooh baby. been here a week and i already have been asked to plan a function, am buried in homework and my textbooks are awol. OOH BABY JUST WHAT I WANTED.
it's not so bad though. my room mates are cool. although i kinda wonder how much they appreciate my love for pink. they have already realized i wear it A LOT. so yeah. thats school and me. I DID HAVE A WEEKEND OF SOLITUDE THOUGH. it was scary. i was ready to sleep with a knife in case some super creeper tried to break into my room at night. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i figured i would mostly likely harm myself instead of anyone else. so i did not attempt that. just went insane from the scilence.  ooooh baby

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

GOING BOLD (fontwise hahahaha)

just once:

  • would people not make such a big deal of how often i wear pink?  there are goths ALL OVER the world who wear allllllllllllll black nevery day to make a "statement" how how depressed they are or how horrid the world is ect.  i love to be cheerful and i think pink displays it best. so i don't really see what the big deal is with me owning so much of it :) I <3 PINK
  • would people please stop assuming all teen girls live revolve around romance.  mine doesnt.  
  • would people not pity me after i announce that. lol
  • stop being SO SERIOUS. life is fun and full of giggles. tee hee.

My co-worker wore pink sock in "honor" of me! (her words not mine) apparently she put them on with me in mind.  makes me laugh

Another one of my co workers was looking at me strangely for a while and when i asked her why her reply: I am looking for the pink! where's the pink? 
HAHAHAHA! i wan't wearing any pink clothing today to her great shock. lol

have a pinktastic dayyyyyyy

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

i keep forgetting

i keep forgetting how much i DETEST packing.  and then the semester ends(it doesent matter if i am attending that semester or not) and i need to pack up my things allllllllllll over again.  its SO hard to decide what to keep and what to leave(either at home or in storage) and i keep having this huge fear that i will forget something that i need! AUGH!  on the brightside i am forcing myself to bring WAY LESS clothes this semester.  lets just hope i wont regret only packing my lightweight sweaters instead of my suuuuuuper thick ones i only wore like three times in November and December.  but yes. i hate packing. its a good cleansing method of belongings though :) the one bonus. plus the fact that i get to go somewhere else once it is allllllllllllll done

fun fact: i have like a sock OBSESSION. i swear i just realized i own prolly 50-75 pairs of socks. insane.

Friday, April 1, 2011

dove promises!

So i FELL IN LOVE with the new dover chocolate peanut butter.  its AMAZING! my co workers would eat them at work and i saved ALL the wrappers for the "dove promises" so i will share them all and give my TAKE ON IT!

"smiling is free" yes. yes it is. except for those teeth freaks who will only smile if the JUST had their teeth whitened. not so free anymore ;)

"Share a chocolate moment with a friend." by reading this to you I JUST DID! chocolate is delicoussss

"Lose yourself in a moment" "It's definitely a bubble bath day."  maybe if i DID both at the same time! although frankly i think i would lose a moment by SLEEPING and stick with showers. but that's just me

"your smile lights up the room" "Happiness looks great on you." is it just me or do these sound like SUPER CHEESY pick-up lines?

"naughty can be nice" that just gives me the image of a chick in a angel costume that looks like a totalllll stripper outfit. JUST SAYIN

"sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses" I actually QUITE like this one.  but now that i have smiled can i have some roses pleassssse?

"time to hit the dance floor." "dance with your heart" sounds fun! i will. wheres the party? lol

"do what feels right." "be fearless"  good encouragement.  seriously. i mean it

"chocolate won't let you down" unless you eat tooooo much and it makes you fat....

"daydreaming is free" YAY!

"buy yourself flowers" that kind of defeats the point.

"climb high, climb far...your goal the sky, your aim, the stars" ME LIKEY! i think my high school math teacher had this on her wall. lol

TAHDAH!  i DO love these promises but i thought of just adding my twist on it!


heads up!

i have plans for  fun post i will post either tonight or tomorrow so BE READY. lol